#49. Sk8) When Will My Reflection Show?

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If someone knows it hard being girl, it's Langa.
It's especially hard when you are not a girl, but a guy; people see someone with long hair and curves, and they see a girl.
Langa can't blame them though, when he looks in the mirror he sees a girl too. That's why he'll do anything not to look like the girl in the mirror.
Starting by getting rid of his long hair.

Fandom: Sk8 The Infinity
Ship: None
Genre: Transgender AU



Hey There!

Before we start, let me give some short disclaimers!
The first and most important being that this is about a headcanon where Langa is transgender (female to male), if you're not supportive or transphobic I do not think this is the right fic for you. I will not accept any hateful comments towards LGBTQ+ people in my comments and they will be removed.
Secondly, this fic will be about subjects that could trigger people having a hard time dealing with gender dysphoria themselves; I wouldn't know though, because I am not really dealing with this myself. If you feel like this is going to trigger you, please do not read and put your mental health before fics!
Lastly, just enjoy ^^
That's the last disclaimer ;)

~ Noa



It starts off slow, a pair of scissors slowly cutting through Langa's hair. Long strands of blue hair tumbling to the ground as they're being separated from his head.


Silent as he sits here in the darkest corner of his room. Just the light of his phone making sure he can just barely see himself in the misty mirror. His face, invisible, but the hair that reaches all the way down his back, clearly visible in the dim lighting.

Snip. Snip.

Another stand falls.

Langa's ready to let go of my long hair and the memories they hold.

Ready to let go of the girl in the mirror.

But even as his hands start moving quicker, it's not going fast enough. The blades seem to be getting duller as they try to find their way through more strands at a time. It's not going quick enough.

He closes his eyes, putting all his strength into placing force on the scissors, but they won't budge. He pushes and pulls and feels his heartbeat race as he pushes the blade through the hair manually.

When he opens his eyes, though, and sees the result in the mirror, he winces. Tears welling up in his eyes as he's left with an uneven strand all the way in the front.

This would be fine if it would actually make him look like he wants it to. But it doesn't.

It makes him look like a hobo, like a—

A girl who tried to cut her hair herself. Langa swallows thickly as he's reminded again; no matter how much he try to look like the guy he's allowed to be in the dreams he sees at night, he'll always look like a girl to the outside world.

But he can't give up now, he's come this far and there are still many long hairs left falling into a waterfall down his back. So he combs them forward with his fingers, trying to hold them steady as he takes the scissors through them.

His hands tremble so badly as he does so, he can barely even hold the scissors.

When he finally pushes the dull blades through the last bit, he's ridded of the heavy burden that has been growing for as long as he can remember. In a big lumpy, knotted mess, it falls to the ground, along with the scissors which clatter onto the wooden floor. The sound echoes through the room.

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