#24. Cells At Work - U-1146/AE3803) A Body In Love

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Summary: Your body starts doing strange things when you've got a crush... But is it true that it even causes your cells to fall in love?

Fandom: Cells At Work!
Ship: U-1146 (white blood cell) / AE3803 (red blood cell)
Genre: Valentine special, Fluff, Light Angst

part of Shipbruary 2021!


Inside every single human body, there are roughly thirty-seven point two trillion cells. Each and every one working hard every day to maintain a healthy, affective system twenty-four seven. And they all take their job very seriously. Welcome to the inside of a human body.

Today, just like any other day, AE3803 is working her hardest on making full circulations through the body. It's hard, as she keeps getting lost all the time, but at least she's allowed to carry her notes with her. Still, somehow today's circulation seems harder than usual.

AE3803 has been feeling a little rushed for such a long time, as if the blood pressure inside of the body's been gradually rising. With thrusts that come from time to time AE3803 feels like running along with the pressuring wind, feeling the urge to deliver the oxygen faster.

"Now," she mumbles, glaring at the notes she tossed on top of the box of oxygen. "Where—" Her voice falters when she sees that nothing looks like the descriptions senpai wrote down for her.

"You've got to be kidding me." She's lost, again, and she's fully aware of it. "It's just one body! How do I keep getting lost like this? How!"

She grabs her notes and looks at them from closer. Of course, the rush she felt deep inside caused her to miss one of the turns so long ago. She's not even near the lungs, where she's supposed to be going, instead she somehow ended up somewhere near the gut. She's not even in the upper half of the body anymore, she wouldn't even be surprised if she ends up in the toe of this body if she keeps getting lost like this. But then again, why do they make bodies so complicated.

She looks around herself, searching for a sign that she's at least walking the right way. If she accidently starts walking even further below the stomach today's cycle is going to take a long time.

She sighs and starts walking again, hoping her sense of direction will have her end up somewhere closer to the lungs instead of getting her to have to be stopped at one of the one way valves.

"Come on, red blood cell!" she tells herself. "You can do this! Let's bring this oxygen to the lungs."

At first she walks calmly, paying attention to every single sign she passes. But soon she starts running faster again, the rising blood pressure pushing her along the vessel like she's a feather in the wind.

The blood pressure is helping AE3803 in some way, causing her to fly closer to where she's supposed to be. But at the same time it's also worrisome, as she barely passes any other blood cells.

That is until she reaches a crossing point near the gut. Just as she's about to get some glucose to get her energy level back to hyperactive again, one of her fellow red blood cells walks up to AE3803.

"What are you doing here?" he asks with an expression so worried, it even gets AE3803 stressed out.

"Uh, well—" She glances away; how is she going to tell this cell about the stupid mistake she made.

"Never mind that!" The other blood cell lays his hands on AE3803's shoulders and looks into her eyes when saying, "Apparently, we all have to bring as much oxygen as possible to the head."

"What?" AE3803 asks, because no one ever warned her about having to rush to the brain, even though the uphill pacing of the blood pressure should've been a warning. "An emergency?"

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