#27. Gintama) Gintoki/Hijikata + some others) Opposites Attract...

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Official Title: "Opposites Attract... and they're basically the same person but in a different team, so why are they dating?" but that was obviously too long.

Summary: Kagura can't belief this is happening; Gin and Hijikata are going on a date. She cannot let this police-freak leave with her Gin! So, that's why she has to sabotage this date!

Fandom: Gintama
Ship: Hijikata/Gintoki (and some others)
Genre: Date Sabotaging, Gintama Vibe (if that's even a genre?)

part of Shipbruary 2021!


Kagura couldn't believe her ears when she heard Gin talking to someone over the phone yesterday.

He was sitting there so casually, with his feet on his desk and the phone up against his ear, but the conversation he was having was so out of the ordinary that Kagura almost got a heart-attack.

"Yeah, I'd like to get some ramen at Ikumatsu's place," he told to the mysterious person on the phone. Right before they hang up, and that flabbergasted Kagura the most, was that Gin said, "I'm looking forward to our date."

Date? Gin? Kagura almost had laughed, she did actually, but Gin walked into the room and shut her up right away. He looked all flustered and his eyes weren't all dead-fish-like when he asked Kagura if she heard his entire conversation. He barely even sounded like himself.

Kagura snorted and told him she did. "You? Gintoki Sakata, on a date?" She let out another laugh.

Gin didn't seem to think of it as funny and told her to shut up right away before flopping down onto his couch. He looked normal to Kagura, not at all with his head in the clouds, when he grabbed a comic and started reading. But when he had stared at the same page for almost an hour, Kagura started to worry about her earthly father's well-being.

"So, who are you going on a date with anyway?" Kagura asked, leaning against the wall with his knees hugged against her chest. She expected it to be Sarutobi or someone else Gin had a close relationship with for quite a while, so Kagura's mind got blown when Gin dryly replied, "Mayo-dude."

"You don't even know his name?" Kagura shrieks before instead saying, "Never mind, you mean, like, that odd guy from Shinsengumi with the black V hair?" she asked and Gin nodded without even looking away from his comic, which still sat on the same page as where he was an hour ago.

Kagura stared at him for almost ten whole minutes before whispering, "You're joking."

"I'm not, okay!" Gin yelled back, tossing the comic on the ground. "I'm not proud of it either, but a man can't ignore his feelings." Gin pauses and sighs. "We've gotten close. But you wouldn't get that."

Gin was right, Kagura didn't get it and she still doesn't the next morning when Gin says he's going shopping for clothes; he's buying clothes for a date! Gin!?

Gin's not himself anymore and it's freaking Kagura out.

That's why, as soon as Gin closes the door behind him, Kagura sneaks out of the house and power walks towards the Shinsengumi's place. She doesn't even care to knock on the gate before barging onto the courtyard; one of these people's leaders is changing Gin from an idiotic fool into a lovesick fool and Kagura knows which one she personally thinks is much worse; the lovesick Gin!

"China Girl?" one of the training people on the Shinsengumi courtyard says in a confused way. "What the heck are you doing here?"

Kagura looks at the bored looking dude with the light brown bowl cut who just called out to her and immediately recognizes him as the super sadist who always by the Mayo-dude and Gorilla's side.

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