154: The Terrible Realization

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Your brain was a flurry of what was possibly going to happen with Draco, who had left earlier in order to make curfew at Hogwarts. He was sweaty and looked as if he would melt into a puddle at any moment. You could tell Narcissa was nervous as well-- she kept touching her arm and looking at Severus who occasionally nodded in her direction. Perhaps, you thought, it's time for Draco to get his dark mark.

As everyone at the dinner began to head down to some basement area, Severus pulled you into a hallway with a fearful look in his eyes.



"Stay." His eyes implored it and your whole body flashed grey. "Trust me. Please."

His begging was out of character and you quickly succumbed to his wish. Nodding at him, he closed his eyes and his chest heaved once with emotion before a cold look appeared on his face and he, different from the others, disapparated.

You stayed where you were, knowing that something terrible was going on. If Draco was getting his dark mark, perhaps Severus was trying to spare you either some awful sight that getting it was or sparing you from having to receive one as well. You were honestly shocked not to have one, but ultimately grateful. And then, Bellatrix grabbed your arm and took you with her.

It was darker than usual, as if the world knew that darkness indeed was abound. Draco's face looked horrible; his sweaty skin glimmering with the light crawling across the ceiling above him. He stared emotionless, unblinking, and swung out of the bed. With bare feet Draco began floating along the corridors like a ghost; no one noticing him. The halls were dense with shadow with only strange slashes of light to provide sight. Draco, however, was a shadow within shadows, pulling the tapestry from the Vanishing Cabinet in the room of requirement, and stepping back. He stared at the monolith before him, lifted his wand and muttered an incantation. The cabinet began to activate; glimmering, and trembling in the ambient light of Draco's wand as if alive.

Then he stopped. With haunted eyes, he slipped away towards his goal; the astronomy tower.

A light suddenly hit your eyes and you found yourself within the cabinet. Corban Yaxley, Fenrir Greyback, Amycus Carrow, Alecto Carrow, Thorfinn Rowle and Gibbon stepped out, followed finally by Bellatrix and you.

At the same time, Harry and Dumbledore apparated onto the rooftop of said astronomy tower, where your group was rushing off to. It took everything in you not to scream out about the intruders and you kept bat ears on in order to know what was coming to you. You heard the boy's voice, "We need to get you up to the hospital, sir, to Madam Pomfrey--"

But the Headmaster refused. "No. Severus... Severus is who I need... Go and wake him... Tell him what has happened..." You felt a quick golden flash in your eyes when a sense of pride overcame you, knowing that in dire need, it was your husband who the great wizard called, "Speak to no one else... I... I shall wait here..." Fear, however, replaced that gold with grey. Albus Dumbledore was in dire need.

There was further exchange, and Harry asked if the old man was praying. He denied it, in typical fashion, but you had a deadly feeling that something in the air had changed and it was almost choking you. And then, you heard your cousin being greeted and your froze in realization. Only your aunt's not-so-gentle tugging moved you along. "Good evening, Draco. What brings you out on such a fine Spring evening? Or is it Summer?" As if he doesn't know...

Draco questioned who Dumbledore who had been talking to, having apparently just missed Harry. "I often talk aloud to myself. I find it extraordinarily useful. That which sounds sane at a whisper can seem utterly mad when said for all the world to hear. Haven't been whispering to yourself, have you, Draco?" Your crew arrived just outside the door, stopped by Bellatrix, who was now listening intently. You knew she didn't think that Draco would do it. You knew she didn't think Draco would kill Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. You, however, weren't so sure. "You are not an assassin, Draco." Albus was perhaps more sure than you.

"How do you know what I am? I've done things that would shock you." Despite the poor circumstances, you almost chuckled. Draco sounded just like the impertinent little boy he was.

"Like cursing Katie Bell and hoping she would, in turn, bear a cursed necklace to me? Like replacing a bottle of mead with one laced with poison. Forgive me, Draco, but these are attempts so feeble I cannot help but question if your heart has been really in them. I'm curious. When Voldemort gave you this task, when he asked you to kill me, was it in a whisper?"

This triggered Draco in a way that was expected. "He trusts me! I was chosen!" Perhaps, Albus was less sure about Draco's killing ability than you had originally thought. That, or he had simply... given up.  As Draco rustled his sleeve, you knew he was showcasing that awful mark that marred even your husband. Albus couldn't be bothered to look at it.

"Then I shall make it easy for you."

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