165: Nagini... Dinner

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"We already know your wand suits me very poorly. Delicate is simply not in my nature." Voldemort huffed before strolling back around the table, anger at you already left in the past. "Lucius, I require your wand."

Lucius sat, mute, paralyzed with fear by the request. He desperately looked for help from his family. Severus provided him only with contempt and even his son would not look him in the eyes. Eventually, Narcissa brushed his wrist, spurring him back into action. Sparing a glance at her, she nodded, and he rolled his wand across the table to the dark lord. Severus held your hand tightly beneath the table, shaking just enough to let you know he was furious but unable to do anything about it.

"Do I detect elm?" Voldemort raised the wand to the light.

"Yes, my lord."

"And the core?"

"Dragon--" Lucius cleared his throat, "Dragon heartstring."

Voldemort nodded and then raked his eyes over the blonde wizard. "My wand?" He let out a haughty laugh, apparently in a laughing mood this evening. "You can't possibly think I would give you my wand."

The weak man could hardly make eye contact. "No, my lord." and swiftly, he bowed his head. Voldemort glanced up at poor Charity and used the wand to awaken her from her unconscious state. To everyone's relief, the wand obeyed. No one had wanted a massacre. However, there was still the issue of a certain witch hovering above the table in a stupor.

"For those of you who do not know, we are jointed tonight by Miss Charity Burbage, who until recently taught at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Her specialty was Muggle studies. It is Miss Burbage's belief that Muggles are not so different from us." He allowed time for mutters and eye rolling. "She would, given her way, have us mate with them." This was met with gags and general disdain. "To her, the mixture of magical and Muggle blood is not an abdomination but something to be encouraged. I, of course, take a contrary view. But we're all civilized here. All adults. We can agree to disagree."

Charity looks at Severus. You see the silent pleading in her eyes. A woman who has known Severus for over a decade, sees the impassive face of your husband and realizes her fate. One last set of tear drops fell down her face before the most unforgivable curse was released from the dark lord's mouth.

And if that weren't bad enough, the next words made most of the table feel ill.

"Nagini... dinner."

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