AOB Finale/Shinto here we come!!

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He had to admit it, this was not so bad at all.

Their first mission and it was a success wich put a big dent in the plans of the old satans once had. Not only that, they recovered some of the magitek and now Ajuka's adding it to his own.

And it looks like the four who were also on the mission was having ecstatic about their first mission being successful.

He also learned something about daughter Mittelt as well.

Her race, the Yato is actually not the real name for her race it's just another name for it.

The real name of her race was Hanma's And so he found out her full name was officially...

Mittelt Hanma Sparda

She would've told him if she knew about it being her last name but he called her name and her bloodline a couple of badasses which she accepted the praise and demanded more of it so he gave her a headpats but for some reason her face was crimson from this action.

Her great grandpa Yujiro Hanma and her grandpa Baki Hanma were the strongest of the Hanma race despite the both of them having moved on into the after life.

And to be honest it sounds way better than yato in his opinion

He cut open a portal to his old room

Izou: Now that this is over with I can go back and enjoy what I was doing before.

The four of them can have their celebration, they earned it but it's time for him to get out of here but he just wants to relax and while yes he would train but be doesn't want to wear himself out with constant training

That was the plan until he heard a voice calling out his name.

Serafall: Eh? Izou? Where are you going?

Tuning around to face the Leviathan who called out his name he answers...

Izou: Back to my room. And after that I'll be on my way.

Serafall knew that of course but wanted to spend some time with her son.

Serafall: Yeah, but I just want to spend some time with my son, at least only for a little bit.

That's all she could ask for, who knows after the tournament the next time they'll see each other again.

With him and his kids being "wanted criminals" with a bounty over a-

Oh yeah, he doesn't know about that.

Serafall: Your bounty...

Izou spared her a look of confusion at what she just said.

Izou: My bounty? Yeah, what about it?

He knows he has a bounty and so does his daughters so why was she bringing this?

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