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Santana's point of view

After an exciting morning of Shownu being home I decide to shower. I'm not a morning person at all but that hot water and smell of my favorite soap does it for me every time.

I think about what kind of day I want to have and what I'm thankful for. Showering is my own kind of..- what the fuck is that smell?

I yank the shower curtain back and scream in horror.

Changkyun: I'm taking a shit here!
Me: I'm trying to shower! It's like four other bathrooms in this house.
Changkyun: But I wanted to be closer to you.

The bathroom door flies open revealing Wonho and Shownu. Their faces go from worry to disgust once they smell the air.

Wonho: We heard you scream so we came to see if you're okay. Dude you smell terrible.
Changkyun: This is what happens when my coffee is made with whole milk and not almond.


I cut my shower quicker than anticipated. Shit and oatmeal shea isn't a good scent mix. After grabbing my towel I dash into my room leaving Changkyun to his festivities.

Hyungwon sits on the edge of my bed scrolling on his phone I begin to dry off, pausing to glance at him.

Me: You okay?
Hyungwon: Yeah, just wanted to see you.

I smile. We've been together for years and he can still be so sweet. He offers to rub lotion on my back and I thank him.

Hyungwon: You know I'm thankful for you right? You've always been there for me.
Me: Where's this coming from?
Hyungwon: No reason. I feel like I don't say thank you enough for all you do.

He kisses the back of my neck and begins to rub my shoulders, I lean into his touch.

Hyungwon: So, you know my younger cousin Jangee?
Me: Mhm.
Hyungwon: He's in town for a few weeks and my aunt reached out to..-

I sit up.

Me: No, hell no.
Hyungwon: Santana.
Me: Last time he came to visit he shaved half of Minhyuk's head. He's a damn gremlin.

He sighs.

Hyungwon: But he's eighteen now, he's more mature.

I doubt it.

Me: How much is a few?
Hyungwon: Two weeks.
Me: Why is he here anyways? Court subpoena?
Hyungwon: Checking out colleges.

Unfortunately in my vows I stated for better or worse.

Me: Okay, two weeks. He can check out the colleges or whatever.
Hyungwon: Thank you baby!


My eyes widen.

Me: You said yes beforehand?
Hyungwon: Love ya!


Jangee, there's no better way to describe him besides dennis the menace. Even Wonnie, Hwasang and Keeho don't have the patience for him.

Jangee: My beautiful cousin in law, how are you?
Me: I'm great. You? I hear you're hear to look at colleges.
Jangee: More or less.
Jooheon: More or less?

Jangee nods.

Jangee: You see I don't know if I'm even going to get into college. If I do it won't be some fancy prancy private one like your son.

I frown.

Shownu: You don't need to go to a private school to get a good education.
Jangee: Yeah but it's the best is it not?
Me: It depends, you can have a private school that's great or one that's shitty. It's all up to the students and staff.

The boy shrugs his shoulders.

Jangee: My grades aren't that good either so I'm just feeling out the scene. You think you can get my precious older cousin to give me a tour around his college?
Hyungwon: I'm sure Wonnie won't mind.

Hyungwon must not know his own son.

Me: We're having a welcome home dinner for Shownu, he'll be here then and you can ask him.

Later on in the day i hear Yeonjun and Kai screaming over FaceTime. They practically fanboy over their father being home.

Yeonjun: We have two more stops and then we'll be back in Korea!
Kai: Take us fishing when we get there.
Yeonjun: Fishing? I was thinking more-so shopping. Who wants to sit on some stinky lake?
Kai: It's called bonding.
Yeonjun: What if I fall into the water? It's called trauma.

The two bicker back and forth making me chuckle.

Kihyun: Sannie, come here for a sec?

I follow Kihyun into the kitchen, he has a playful smile on his face.

Kihyun: Will you go on a date with me?

I chuckle.

Me: We're married.
Kihyun: Stop ruining the moment.
Me: Sorry, okay yes. Yes I will!
Kihyun: Tomorrow night! Be ready at eight.

He kisses my cheek making me smile.



what kind of vibes are we getting from Jangee hmmm?

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