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Santana's point of view

So many puppiessss!

Some are excited and playful while others are more standoffish and afraid. Shownu has been staring at a small bulldog ever since we got here.

Honestly they share the same energy. The bulldog seems to be a gentle giant for the most part, just like NuNu. Kihyun smiles at a smaller dog who has no interest in us. It turns around facing its tail to us.

Minhyuk: Drama queen.

I giggle.

The dog at the end of the row makes me do a double take. It's a golden retriever puppy, who looks exactly like X. I had no intentions of finding an exact replacement for him. X is our baby and more so family than a dog. It's going to hurt like hell when he leaves us.

My biggest fear is that happening while we're at work and he's alone. Maybe he can bond with this dog so he'll have someone when we're not around.

The dog barks and wags it's tail.

Me: Hey.

I read the plaque description that's on each cage.

Me: You were found sleeping in random parks huh? Sounds like we have something in common.

I stick my finger in the cage and smile as he sniffs me.

Shownu rests his hand on my hip as he comes up behind me.

Shownu: Oh, it's a mini X!
Me: Right? Super friendly as well. He was found wandering around. No signs of an owner for weeks so they brought him here. How's the bulldog?

He chuckles.

Shownu: Turns out her name is Bella, her owners moved across the country and couldn't take her so they left her here. The employee said they did love her but the decision they were gave didn't give room for a dog.

It's sad but that does happen more often than not.

Wonho walks over to us holding something in his hands.

Wonho: Tada!

Two floppy ears spring up. I gasp.

Me: It's a bunny! That's so cute.
Wonho: His name is thumper, they said I can hold him.

The soft grey bunny looks around with his big beady eyes, wiggling closer to Wonho.

Wonho: I'm going to adopt him.
Me: You can't even remember to take your vitamins are you sure you're going to be okay?

He pouts like a baby.

Wonho: I'm a grown man Sannie.
Shownu: Sometimes.
Wonho: You too?
Shownu: You left the oven on after making pizza rolls. House could've burnt down.

Yeah that was a dark night.

Wonho: Thumper and I will be great roommates.
Me: I'm sure he'll love it.
Wonho: I see you found a X look alike.
Me: Yeah.

After introducing the boys to the puppy we all decide to take him home. Next week I'll make an appointment to get him throughly checked out at Char's vet clinic.

Hyungwon gently pets him as we ride home.

Minhyuk: What should we name him?
Kihyun: I like the name Monster.
Me: Monster?

I blink.

Me: Play on words of Monsta-X?
Kihyun: A bit, yeah.

They all laugh nodding along.

Well, Monster we're almost your new home..


goodnight <3

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