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Santana's point of view

Wonnie came over this morning to put away some clothes and things he brought with him for the weekend. No matter how much he acts like he hates it, he loves when his brothers are home from tour. They have the most fun every time.

Me: Ready for your brothers' craziness?
Wonnie: It's mainly Yeonjun's craziness. Kai is more mellow.

That's true there's been many instances Yeonjun lead them into all kinds of schemes and plans. Never a dull day with those three.

"Mom! Mom!"

I smile.

Me: I'm in the kitchen!

Kai and Yeonjun run in like toddlers. They both smile running over to hug Wonnie and I. Wonho looks tired from the ride home. The boys must've worn him out.

Kai: It smells good in here.
Me: Shownu and I started dinner. I hope you're hungry.
Yeonjun: Starving! I'm sick of fast food.
Me: You guys should go unpack, the rest of your dads should be home soon.

Yeonjun chuckles.

Yeonjun: That's such a wild sentence, I missed it a lot.

I smile.

Kai: Wonnie can you help us?
Wonnie: Sure.

The boys go upstairs and I look over at Wonho.

Wonho: I got told thirty different stories in fifteen minutes. I'm no stranger to wild tour stories but when they come from my sons it's like wow.
Me: Let me get you a beer.

He laughs.


They eat like they've been locked up for years.

As soon as they finish one plate I put another in front of them. Kihyun and I are having a hard time keeping up with the dishes at this point.

Kihyun: I forgot how much they can eat.
Me: Same, at least we cooked enough food this time.
Kihyun: As long as they're enjoying themselves.
Me: Agreed.

Wonnie watches his two brothers with the most wholesome look in his eye. A family like this was all I wanted after my parents passed.

I was blessed enough to meet Monsta-x, Cina, the rest of my college family, and last but not least my kids. I'm content with my life.

The doorbell rings and Minhyuk goes to answer.

Kai: How long are you here for Jangee?
Jangee: Until next week.

Minhyuk comes in with a nervous smile on his face.

Minhyuk: Um, Leroy is here everyone.



He leans back in the chair, his gaze makes me self conscious and nervous.

Leroy: You're pretty, you seem innocent for the most part, no family.

He smiles.

Leroy: You're perfect for them.
Me: Them?
Leroy: Them.


I blink, what is he doing here? His eyes land on me and the creepiest smile paints his face.

Leroy: Santana all grown up! You look beautiful, although you always were a looker. You shaped out nice.

Kihyun tugs me back so that I'm behind him and Hyungwon.

Wonho: Leroy, long time no see.
Leroy: I know it's been years. I thought you guys forgot about your undercover manager.

They chuckle uncomfortably.

Shownu: Yeah we heard you left Starship some time ago. What due we owe the pleasure of this visit?
Leroy: I did leave and got some work here and there.

He looks at the three boys with curious gazes.

Leroy: Oh where's my manners! I'm interrupted family time. Yeonjun and Kai is it?

They nod.

Leroy: I love your music, good job. Wonnie? Or should I say Daniel. Seen your photo shoot for that newest clothing line. You're basically Hyungwon's twin.

Minhyuk squints.

Minhyuk: So the reason for this visit?
Leroy: I'll be frank, I've ran into some financial hardships. A few debts I owe nothing major.
Shownu: And you're asking us to help?
Kihyun: On what grounds?

Leroy chuckles.

Leroy: Well I'm the one who got you the beautiful wife you have now no? How would the world feel if they knew the truth of how this all came to be?

The room goes completely silent. My hand clenches at the back of Kihyun's shirt, he turns around giving me a reassuring smile.

Changkyun: Let's continue this conversation outside.
Leroy: Of course. Nice seeing you kids and Santana, always a pleasure!


Shownu's point of view

The boys and I walk outside with Leroy shutting the door behind us. As anticipated Minhyuk grabs him by his collar pinning him against the house.

Minhyuk: What kind of sick game are you playing?
Leroy: No game at all. I keep your secrets you give me money.
Kihyun: Extortion!
Leroy: Extortion? Blackmail? Whatever you want to call it.

When Leroy dropped off the face of the earth we thought that was it. Boy were we naive, your secrets always come back to bite.

Hyungwon: How much?
Leroy: Fifteen million.
Changkyun: Are you out of your fucking mind?
Jooheon: Fifteen? You owe fifteen million dollars of debt?
Leroy: Half towards debt the other half is for me moving out of the country. I'll be gone and so will your secrets.

He sighs.

Leroy: This is sudden so I don't expect an answer so soon. How about you contact me next Friday, yeah?

Minhyuk let's him go and he brushes off his tacky suit.

Leroy: Good day gentleman.



hey guys!

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