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Santana's point of view

The cabin Kihyun brought me to is beautiful. It's quiet, has a beautiful pond in the back, and five minutes away from a small town. It's an one bedroom flat but still so wide and spacious.

Kihyun: You like it?
Me: I love it!

I wrap my arms around his neck before kissing him over and over. He smiles, a light shade of pink cover his face. It's always so endearing to me when he blushes over these years.

Kihyun: I'll start prepping things for dinner.
Me: No problem, I'll put the rest of our things away.

He had to fight tooth and nail with the others to bring me here but it was all worth it in the end. I chuckle to myself as I see his lock screen, it's a picture of me sleep on his lap and him grinning from ear to ear.

I change into something more comfortable, and by that I mean an oversized t-shirt. Kihyun hums to himself as he chops up a few vegetables.

Me: Need help?
Kihyun: Not really. You can just stand there and be pretty.
Me: That's no fun.
Kihyun: For me it is.

I roll my eyes playfully.

Chicken, garlic mash potatoes, kale and buttered rolls are on chef Kihyun's menu. It smells fantastic to say the least.

Me: I've been enjoying having you home during your break.
Kihyun: Me too, it started to feel like we never see each other. We have a few weeks left though.

After a hour of waiting the dinner is finally done. The way I'm eating is far from ladylike but who cares?

Kihyun: I stopped by Wonnie's house yesterday. You know those blueberry muffins he loves?

I giggle.

Me: Back when he was five, yes.
Kihyun: I brought him some but he was in the middle of studying so we talked for a little. He works so hard, he's just like you.
Me: I can't take all the credit. That's half of Hyungwon right there.

He laughs while shaking his head.

Kihyun: He acts like you the most though, when he was a kid he favored Hyungwon a lot though.
Me: He did and I'm pretty sure you, Hyungwon and Minhyuk were his favorites.

They spoiled him rotten.

Me: He was terrified at how big Wonho and Shownu were.
Kihyun: But they gave the best piggy-back rides.
Me: Still do!


Changkyun's point of view

This is bullshit.

My wife is out with another man and I'm stuck at home listening to Minhyuk ramble about absolutely nothing.

Minhyuk: Like why did they stop making heelies? I feel like it's convenient to glide when I want to.
Me: What's for dinner?
Minhyuk: Wonho is making ramen.

I suck my teeth, I much rather be eating Santana's pot roast or even Santana.

I miss my wife.

Me: I'm taking Santana to the inner city for two days when she gets back.
Minhyuk: I thought Jooheon said it was his turn.
Me: He can wait.

The doorbell goes off and he answers it. Cina storms in yelling and pointing, she pauses as she looks at us.

Cina: Where's Sannie?
Me: Two day getaway with Kihyun.
Cina: Well, I'll rant to you guys then!


Cina: Yeosang doesn't understand that I am a woman of decorum. I'm a well respected doctor amongst my peers, so having my coo..-
Minhyuk: Alright! I think you should wait for Santana to come back.

She sighs, Yeosang walk in and her eyes roll immediately.

Yeosang: Cina you can't just barge into people's house!
Cina: I didn't barge in this time I knocked! Why are you following me?
Yeosang: Because I'm your husband.
Cina: Maybe!

He groans.

Cina: Matter of fact.

She grabs a pillow off the couch tossing it at him.

Cina: You can sleep here tonight! Bye!

She storms out of the house, which is very hard to take serious when she has on silk teddy bear pajamas.

Minhyuk: Ramen for dinner?
Yeosang: Thanks. Where's San?
Me: Shacking up with some guy!

Shownu laughs as he walks in.

Shownu: She's out with her husband, not some guy.
Me: Whatever.
Yeosang: Someone's jealous.
Me: Am not.
Minhyuk: Are too.

A little.


rewatching big time rush bc why not

Monsta [Book 5]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang