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Santana's point of view

I lean back into the couch as Kihyun massages my feet. Unfortunately mother nature decided to show her ass and my whole body is throbbing. The diffuser is filled with lavender oil courtesy of Kihyun. He's such a romantic I love him.

Kihyun: Feeling better?
Me: Much better thank you baby.

He grabs a blanket and we cuddle together on the couch. The fireplace cracking is the only noise throughout the cabin.

Kihyun: This is so peaceful.
Me: Very.

I kiss his cheek and he smiles. His scent is so soft and inviting, a yawn leaves my lips.

Kihyun: Sleepy?
Me: A little.

More like a lot, before I know it I'm drifting off to sleep.


Shownu's point of view

I watch as Changkyun mopes around the house. He's been like this ever since Santana and Kihyun left, he plops down on the couch next to me and let's out an exasperated sigh.

Me: She's coming back. Leaving angry voicemails on her phone won't make their trip end any sooner.

He shrugs.

Changkyun: I know, it's just feels weird without her here you know?
Me: It does but as long as she's happy and having fun with Kihyun that's all that matters.

He knows I'm right but he insists on being stubborn because it's in his nature.

Me: Just make sure when it's your turn to take her away you tell her how much you loved and missed her. Sometimes you don't convey your feelings how you mean to.

He scoffs.

Changkyun: I do!
Me: You don't. Remember Hyungwon broke his ankle and you worried about him? Instead of saying you were worried you called him a clumsy dumbass.

His mouth snaps shut.

Me: Or that time Seonghwa was trying to get rid of the dying tree in front of his house by himself. Instead of you telling him you'd help so he wouldn't have to do it alone you said did your business go bankrupt lumberjack?

His mouth twists up.

Changkyun: Okay, okay! Sometimes things don't come out the way I intend to. I'll work better on that.

I smile ruffling his hair about. His phone begins to ring and he smiles as he sees Santana's name across his screen. I signal for him to put it in speaker.


He immediately hangs up the phone.

Changkyun: Yeah, maybe those voicemails weren't conveyed correctly.

I facepalm.


Changkyun's point of view

Yeosang stares at me as I sit on his couch scrolling through my phone. Cina grins as she hands me a cup of coffee.

Yeosang: Why are you here again?
Me: Hyung saids I need to work on saying how I feel. I've asked around and you're pretty good at saying what you mean.

Seonghwa laughs.

Seonghwa: No, he's good at being blunt. You're already blunt.
Me: So it's the same thing?
Cina: No! You guys are blunt when it comes to advice, when someone is annoying you, or if someone is doing something dumb. When it comes to expressing how much you care you fall flat.

Yeosang gasps.

Yeosang: Me?
Seonghwa: Yes. Remember the wedding? Your vows to Cina was well, let's do this.

Sheesh, he's as bad as me.

Cina: But you're a songwriter, shouldn't you be good at this?
Me: That's the thing, it's easier for me to write how I feel than saying it.
Seonghwa: So write Sannie a song or rap.
Me: Thats actually a good idea.

He raises an eyebrow.

Seonghwa: Actually? I always have good ideas.
Yeosang: Mm, no.
Me: Your last good idea had us in a prison while vacationing in Mexico.
Seonghwa: It wouldve went smoothly if Yuta didn't get caught.

Cina laughs.


super sorry for taking forever.

depression, ya know?

love you guys!

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