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Santana's point of view

It's a bad storm out.

I watch as the lighting ripples through the sky followed by thunder, i love it. It's something about the rain that puts me at ease, however...

I go upstairs knocking on Kihyun's door. He sits at his desk with headphones on writing. His curtains are shut tight so he can't see the lightning. My hand lands gently on his shoulder and he turns around smiling.

Me: You okay?
Kihyun: Yeah, I'm not as scared as I use to be. Changkyun told me to suck it up because I'm someone's husband now.

I roll my eyes playfully.

Me: You don't have to pretend to be okay in front of me. Whenever there's a spider Hyungwon doesn't hesitate to sacrifice me.

He stands up pulling me into a hug.

Kihyun: Has anyone told you you're beautiful today?
Me: Minhyuk this morning, Jooheon in the afternoon, Wonho while we were doing the nasty, Changkyun also while..-

He covers my mouth.

Kihyun: You're beautiful Santana.
Me: I love you.

He places a soft kiss to my lips. The thunder ripples through and his hugs gets a little tighter.

Me: I can stay in here with you.
Kihyun: It's okay. I'm just going to be listening to some instrumentals Joohoney made me and writing lyrics.

I smile.

The guys are sexy twenty-four seven that's a given. However when they're working hard on their music it makes them a thousand times more sexier. I love a man with passion!

I go into the kitchen to see Kai peeling a lemon. Because of the sudden storm Yeonjun and his flight got pushed back.

Me: Are you about to eat that?
Kai: Lemons are good for you.
Me: Jesus.

My eyes scan over the fridge debating on what to make for dinner. Some kind of pasta sounds good, but I also want steak. Steak and pasta goes together? Burgers also sounds good.

Me: Where's your brothers?
Kai: Sleep.


Yeonjun looked exhausted ever since they got here, and Wonnie is just like Hyungwon. Any sound of rain they get sleepy.

Me: Wanna' help me with dinner? I'm thinking burgers.

That's the simplest option.

Kai: Sure!

Having him help out in the kitchen reminds me of the old times. He'd slide through the kitchen singing and chopping vegetables while Yeonjun sat at the table doing homework.

Now they're all grown up. Touring, thousands of fans, charting songs and albums.

Kai: How's hospital life?
Me: It's good. I enjoy what I do while being by my bestfriend's side. How's idol life?
Kai: The exact same.

We smile at each other.


RJ: And then she turns and tell me that I'm the problem. How the fuck am I the problem?

I finish writing some notes as RJ rambles on. Even though my days as the starship therapist been numbered RJ still sees me weekly.

Apparently he's been on the dating scene and it's not going well. Unfortunately, I can't give him sisterly advice I have to be in professional mode.

Me: It seems like the girls are asking more of you than you're willing to give.
RJ: So you're saying I'm too closed off to them?

No dumbass, you're an idol. You need to be cautious. One false move and it'll be MaeLynn all over again.

Me: Not necessarily. Last time we talked about your trust issues but that isn't playing apart here. You want to take things slow which is understandable.

He nods.

RJ: Exactly! And the word slow must be a foreign language to some of them. They get upset easily.

Because it's hidden intentions! Evil bitches.

Me: So when they lash out like that how do you handle it?
RJ: Life goes on.

Like an echo in the forest bro.

The alarm goes off signaling our time is finished, he sits up sighing.

RJ: This hospital must have some bombass funding, this couch bed is comfortable.
Me: Tell me about it, I've caught YangYang taking a nap on here so many times. How's everyone?

He shrugs.

RJ: Lee has been in the studio a lot, Taeyun has been doing this cleanse that have the bathroom smelling like hell, Anthony-hyung took up golf eventhough he sucks and Jay well he's still sober.

I smile at that. It's been years since Infinity came back together. Their fans were shocked and beyond happy, as well as the boys.

RJ: And you? How's your idiots?
Me: They're good. We had a few obstacles earlier in the month but doing good.
RJ: Hm, that's great honestly. Seven people sharing one person. That'd make one hell of a book.

One hell of a series too.


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