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Santana's point of view

I smile to myself as Hyungwon climbs into my bed making himself comfortable. My hands can't help themselves as they reach out playing in the dark brown fluffiness that is his hair.

Me: It's so soft.

He places his hand on my lower back pulling me closer to him. His hand slide down landing on my ass before smiling.

Hyungwon: It's so soft.

We both begin to laugh.

Hyungwon: I heard you had to bail out our son and Godson.
Me: Vandalism to the fraternity house.
Hyungwon: They're beefing with a whole fraternity?
Me: These kids are crazy.

Hyungwon and I spend the majority of the afternoon cuddling. He smells so good and I enjoy being wrapped him like a koala on a tree branch.

Hyungwon: I could do this forever with you.

I smile but our time is short lived as the bedroom door flies open.


Hyungwon pulls the cover over me and tucks my head in gently so that I'm under the blanket completely.

Hyungwon: She's not here.
Kihyun: I see her outline.
Hyungwon: She's sleep.
Kihyun: Is not.
Hyungwon: What do you want?
Kihyun: My mom is visiting this weekend.

I jump up so quick my head hits Hyungwon's bottom lip. He whines and complains calling me big head.

Me: Mama Yoo is coming?

He nods.

I love her a lot I do, but she is just like her son.

I love her son a lot too but that boy makes me wanna' strangle him sometimes.

Whenever she comes we're always at the grocery store and I mean always. Instead of three meals a day we cook five and bake like we're Martha Stewart.

"Catering to your husbands is important."

Like miss mamas believe me when I say they are taken care of.

Kihyun: Can you pick her up from the airport Friday morning? I have a schedule.
Me: I have to work. Ask Wonnie if he can, she loves her grandchild.
Kihyun: That's true. I'll tell him not to mention the jail thing.
Me: Yeah please do! If she hear that she'll never let me live that down.

He smiles.

Kihyun: I love you baby!
Me: I love you more.
Hyungwon: Alright now get out. We're in the middle of cuddling.

I giggle.


Taehyun continues his rant on why he's still single while I focus on painting my toes.

Taehyun: I feel like they're intimidated by me. Is it because I know I'm sexy and I know what I want? Maybe I'm the problem.

My baby toe is so hard to paint.

Me: You're not the problem. There's nothing wrong with being comfortable in your skin and knowing what you deserve.
Taehyun: See Sannie you get me. The boys told me I was a diva.
Me: Oh no you are, you're a total diva. You just need to find you someone who accepts that.

He sighs.

Taehyun: I wish my live life was like yours. You have seven men who absolutely adores you, flaws and all!

"She doesn't have flaws."

I grin at Minhyuk as he kisses my forehead.

Taehyun: See? Why can't I find someone who saids that about me. I'm going to have forty cats and no one.
Me: If it makes you feel better you'll have Lee too. He's just as hopeless as you.

He nods sipping his mimosa.

Taehyun: That's so true. You got any friends you could hook me up with?
Me: They're all married, well except one but she's kind of a firecracker I don't know if you can handle that.
Taehyun: Call me the lion tamer!

I chuckle to myself.


it's soooo hot

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