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For the last few days I've been getting up at six in the morning to sit on the porch with my coffee. Watching the sunrise brings me peace before going to work, or starting my day overall.

I've been in an overthinking mood lately so clearing my mind is top priority right now. After I finish my coffee on the porch I move on to my shower.

I grab my favorite body wash, say it with me y'all lavender and chamomile. The next step is journaling at my desk while I still sit in my towel. When I get fresh ideas I need to write it down right then and there before I forget.

I dry off and do my moisturizing routine. I'm in a baby blue bra and panties kind of mood, it looks real good on me if I do say so myself.

Someone taps softly at my door. I glance at the clock and see it's almost eight o'clock, right on time for them. I open the door and there's Jooheon. The way he's dressed tells me he has a studio schedule this morning.

He gives me a big hug. We sway back and forth as he makes his way into my room.

Jooheon: You're up and at it early, you work today?
Me: Technically yes but I'm taking a personal day.
Jooheon: Personal day?

I nod as I search my closet for something to wear. He sits at the edge of the bed ruffling his hair.

Jooheon: Are you okay?
Me:  I'm having one of those days. I think I'm going to just go out and have some me time.
Jooheon: That's a good idea, here.

He digs into his wallet and pulls out one of his cards.

Jooheon: Go on a shopping spree and make sure you eat too.
Me: Thank you baby.

He kisses me lightly.

Jooheon: If you need me I'll come to you, my wife is way more important than recording.
Me: I know, have a good day at work love.

He gives my hand a squeeze before leaving.


Sitting in a coffee shop and smashing away at your laptop is actually a vibe y'all. I ended up having YangYang email me some paperwork so I can do work outside the office while still enjoying my day and it's kind of nice.

I take a sip of my macchiato and smile. Caramel always makes me happy.


I glance up and smile.

Me: What a stalker you are.
Wonho: You're at the cafe a street over from the company.

I roll my eyes playfully, honestly I didn't notice. Who holds two containers full of drinks and I assume they're for him and the guys.

Wonho: Jooheon told us you looked kind of sad this morning.
Me: I'm just having a day is all, but thanks to him I have a wax and massage appointment in a hour. I'm just doing some work until then.

He leans over kissing my forehead.

Wonho: I love you forever!
Me: I love you too, go back before you're late and Shownu scolds you.
Wonho: Right!

I go back to finishing up some emails and sigh. Sometimes I think I need to see a therapist myself. A therapist seeing a therapist? Interesting.

I start packing up my things since my the parlor is on the other side of town, so it's like a twenty-five minute drive.

I love this place because everyone is always so nice. Getting your vagina hair ripped from you is one hell of a feeling but the full body massage I get after calms my nerves.

The waxer is an older lady I've been seeing for a while. Anytime I come she always asks about the guys and how we're all doing.

Mrs.Lee: So Santana my love what has you so down?
Me: Why does everyone keep saying that?
Mrs.Lee: Because that beautiful smile is lying.

She's right.

Me: I went from sleeping on park benches to living in a million dollar mansion. No interest in education to having a master's in Psychology. From not being able to have kids to adopting two and then having a miracle baby.

I sigh.

Me: I'm blessed so I feel silly when I complain or feel down some days.
Mrs.Lee: So you think just because you have a great life you're not allowed to feel human emotions? Child you know better than anyone depression or anxiety doesn't care about the life you live. Once it's in your brain it's in there. Don't you dare feel bad about being human!

She taps my leg with her wooden wax stick making me laugh.

Mrs.Lee: You're a hard working girl who had to dig her way up. That's part of who you are and there's no denying that, but that inner child is super proud of you.
Me: I don't know how she feels about me being with seven men though.

We both laugh.

Mrs.Lee: Speaking of seven men you tell them no freaky deeky for twenty four hours after your waxing! I know how you going people are.

After my wax and massage I felt a thousand times better. By the time I get home it's time to start prepping for dinner. I turn my playlist on before getting in the zone.

Shownu asked for stuffed peppers which means Changkyun and I will be eating something else because we both hate stuffed peppers.

While cooking I hear a bang come from upstairs. I hurry up to pause the music, I start to hear rustling and tiptoe towards the stairs. I grab the steel bat from the closer and start to go upstairs.

The first thing I see is Changkyun's door wide open. That was closed when they all left. The noise is coming from in there.

I slowly approach the room peeking around. There's a girl digging through his nightstand. In order to scare her and grab her attention I whip the bat on the bed and she screams.

She sees me and scatters to her feet.

Her: O-oh my God Santana!
Me: Who the fuck are you?
Her: Their biggest fan!

Oh brother.


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