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Shownu's point of view

I watch quietly as Jooheon stomps through the garden, still clearly upset. However it does look really funny watching him with a sunblocker hat on tossing down tomato seeds.

Contrary to his words Santana or Changkyun isn't the ones he's mad at. He's angry with himself for some reason. Part of me is afraid to know why. But as Santana's husband I need to know and as Jooheon's brother it's important.

Me: The flowers up front look nice. Very vibrant.
Jooheon: Why're you out here?

I shrug.

Me: It's a cool day and I like to soak up the Vitamin E from the sun.
Jooheon: Vitamin D Hyung.

I always confuse the two. He goes back to watering the vegetables.

Me: You wanna' talk about yesterday?
Jooheon: What about it?
Me: You hurt two people we care about and love. Changkyun said he was reading a book when you walked and lashing at him for no reason. What's that about?

He ignores me.

Me: I won't push, but Jooheon.

Our eyes meet.

Me: I'm not a man of many words most of the time but you do have a pretty clear idea of my actions next time you lash out on Santana right?


Changkyun's point of view

Me: He's like a damn psychopath! We fight and tussle yeah but to actually punch me in the face?

RJ and Taehyun look at me.

RJ: You sure you didn't say anything to piss him off?
Me: He's been sensitive lately. You breathe wrong and he's going to chase you down the street.

Taehyun bites into his taco.

Taehyun: That doesn't sound like Jooheon. Maybe he's going through a rough time right now.
Me: He could at least say that!

RJ shakes his head.

RJ: It's not that simple. Sometimes you can't put into words what's wrong or you simply don't know what's wrong. I was angry for a very long time until I started doing therapy with sis.

That's true he's much more of a joy to be around compared to when I first met him.

Me: So what do I do? Apologize for getting punched in my face?
Taehyun: I would say be patient. You've known him for years, he wouldn't harm a fly.

They're right.

After lunch we go our separate ways. On my way home I stop by the hospital to bring Santana a taco salad. She could use some cheering up as well.

I run into Cina who smiles but it drops at the sight of my bruise.

Cina: Damn dude what happened? You and Xiaojun again?

I roll my eyes.

Me: Me and Jooheon.
Cina: Santana said it was an argument not that it go to this point. Make sure you're applying ointment everyday or it'll take longer to heal, if your monbebes catch whiff of that they'll burn an entire forest down.

Her pager beeps and she waves goodbye before jogging down the hall. Once I make it to the second floor I tap on Santana's office door.

It open and YangYang pulls me into an awkward hug.

YangYang: Hey man! Good to see ya!
Me: Um hey, is San in there?
YangYang: Here? No. Try Seonghwa's office, it's across town near..-

I deadpan.

Santana: He means me you nitwit!

She pushes the boy out her office and pulls me in closing the door behind her. I smile giving her a hug and a few kisses all over her face.

Me: How are you?
Santana: I'm good, how are you?

She frowns once she sees my eye. I boop her in the nose.

Me: Don't worry about it.
Santana: But..-
Me: No buts, you have a nice one though.

She is not amused.

Santana: When I go home tonight I need to talk to him. See what's going on and if he's okay. I mean clearly he's not but, I want him to know he's not alone.
Me: I know baby. The boys are coming for the weekend too and they shouldn't feel the tension of their parents fighting either.

A sigh leaves her lips.

Me: I'll fix this okay? You're job is to be beautiful, help your patients and be happy. Also eat because I know you haven't yet.

Protecting her smile is the most important thing to me right now.


to my cat owners... does your cat ever show signs of pica disorder?? because when it comes to my car and plastic he will not stop chewing it.

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