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Shownu's point of view

Leroy opens his door and before he can get a word out Wonho jams his elbow into his throat. The piece of shit goes stumbling backwards coughing and fighting for air. We walk in locking the door behind us.

Me: You touched our wife?

While he's crouched over I slam both of my palms to his back knocking him down.

Wonho: You made her cry.

Wonho kicks him.

Me: And worse of all, you pissed us off.

I kick him again aiming for the face and he spits out blood.

Leroy: Psychopaths! I'm calling the police!
Wonho: Can you really?

He looks at us through his busted eye.

Me: Those debts aren't really debts are they? You have warrants out for your arrest.

Wonho pulls some folded up papers from his hoodie. Thanks to Kihyun and Changkyun doing their research we found a few things.

Me: Money laundering, fraud, blackmail, tax evasion.

Wonho smacks him with the papers

Wonho: If you really wanted to call the police we'd all be going down, but Shownu and I would be out quicker.
Leroy: You mother fuckers.

I sigh, sitting on the arm of his couch.

Me: We didn't come down to this fucked up neighborhood at midnight for nothing. We came to make a deal.
Leroy: After assaulting me?
Me: You're lucky we didn't kill you now shut up.

He glared at me but doesn't say anything else.

Me: You're attempting to get a new ID and fake social in order to get a passport and flee the country, correct?
Leroy: How'd you know?
Wonho: It isn't rocket science.
Me: I'm order to do that you'd have to pay a lump some of money plus have enough left over to flee and get on your feet. So..

I toss him the fake ID, social security card, and passport.

Leroy: How?
Me: Don't worry about it.

It was either this or Xiaojun makes him disappear. Thankfully Wonho talked him into getting these three things.

Xiaojun had his mind made up on murder before we even seen him. Eventually he seen the bigger picture and settled on the better option.

Wonho: Here.

He tosses a manila folder to him.

Wonho: That's one million dollars, make it work.
Me: And here's the thing.

I squat down to him so we're face to face.

Me: You go to whatever country, settle down with whoever or whatever and stay far far away from my family or..

I flip my switch blade.

Me: I slit your throat. All this idol shit over, I'm sure my fans will understand my reasoning.

The man turns red and begins to stutter.

Wonho: What videos or documentation do you have? Hand it over.

I press the metal against his cheek.

Me: You don't hear him talking to you?
Leroy: I-I don't have any evidence! Swear! It was all a bluff.

I raise an eyebrow and he rubs his hand together begging.

Leroy: I swear Shownu! I just wanted to worry you all enough into giving me money.

I stand back on my feet.

Wonho: Leroy, you better be out of this country by tomorrow night. Understand?

He nods his head vigorously.

We leave him there on the ground taking our leave.


Santana's point of view

The smell of french toast and coffee fills the air. I've been laying in bed all morning. Cina made me take another day off and now here I am.

"Mom breakfast is ready!"

"Hurry up before Yeonjun eats all your bacon."

I chuckle rolling out of bed.

I open my door to see Wonnie, he's only nineteen but at his dad's height of six feet already. We go downstairs to see everyone eating and in a good mood.

Wonho kisses my temple handing me a cup of coffee.

Wonho; How'd you sleep love?
Me: Good, you?
Wonho: Great!

I look over at Shownu whose tossing back scrambled eggs. The atmosphere is light hearted compared to the last few days, I sit next to Minhyuk who smiles.

Minhyuk: Morning beautiful.
Me: Goodmorning.
Minhyuk: You looked refreshed.
Me: Do I?
Minhyuk: Yes.

He punches my cheek and I whine slapping away his hand.

Yeonjun: I missed dad's french toast. Burger kings is good but nothing like this.
Kai: I agree! Can I have some more?
Wonho: Coming up!

My phone vibrates and I take it out my robe pocket.

Wonho🐰💙: Leroy was taking care of love. He left Korea and won't be bothering us anymore.

My head practically does a one eighty spin. I look over at the chef and he just smiles.

Me: How???

Wonho🐰💙: The power of love ❤️.

Me: Lee Hoseok....

Wonho🐰💙: Lmao

Wonho🐰💙: Shownu and I will tell you later.

Shownu too??

I look at the man in question and he's laughing at something Hyungwon said.

Yeonjun: I'm full, I could use a nap now.
Kihyun: Sleeping on your food like that isn't good. Help out Jooheon in the garden.
Yeonjun: I'm just like mom I don't have a green thumb. I kill everything I touch.

I gasp.

Me: I don't kill everything I touch. Gardening is just hard.
Yeonjun: Mom agrees.
Kihyun: Then hold the basket while he plucks. Wonnie and Kai can spray the pesticides to kill the bugs while Jangee washes off the freshly picked vegetables. Be sure not to spray too much though.

Jooheon grins.

Jooheon: Papa Kihyun has spoken!
Kai: Mom are you going to help us?
Me: Nah, I have something to talk about with Shownu and Wonho.
Yeonjun: Ouuu, they in trouble?

Changkyun pushes the younger boy's head.

Changkyun: Go get dressed.

I chuckle.


can't sleep againnn

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