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Santana's point of view

The sound of arguing wakes me up, I untangle myself from Kihyun's arms and toss a robe on. It's louder and more aggressive as I get to the bottom of the stairs. Wonho is holding back Jooheon and Shownu is holding back Changkyun.

Well, fuck.

Minhyuk and Hyungwon sit on the couch scrolling on their phones.

Me: What's going on?

Wonho: I don't know, Hyung and I just got back from the gym and these two were at each other's throat.
Me: Minhyuk? Hyungwon?

They both shrug.

Minhyuk: I just came downstairs.
Hyungwon: I don't get into their squabbles.

And of course the other two don't say anything just a silent glare. Kihyun comes downstairs yawning just as confused as me.

Changkyun snatches away from Shownu to Strom outside. I sigh getting ready to go after him and Jooheon scoffs.

Jooheon: Of course, he throws a temper tantrum and you go chasing him as per usual.


Me: What?
Jooheon: Nothing Santana, fuck it go! You wanna' follow after him for the rest of your life than so be it. But you might wanna' be a wife at least one time.
Hyungwon: What the fuck is wrong with you? Don't take it out on her because your mad.

He chuckles humorlessly.

Jooheon: Right, right. Sorry wife.

He brushes pass me and all I can do is blink. Minhyuk stands up to check on me and I smile a bit.

Shownu: Don't take anything he said to heart, he's in a nasty mood. Wonho and I will go find Changkyun okay?

I nod.


Cina pours me some tea.

Cina: I can't believe Jooheon said that. Honestly I'd expect that from Changkyun no offense. That's only because you two fight like dogs and cats.

She's not wrong.

Me: Have I been neglecting them? I mean I have been working a lot and..-

She sucks her teeth flinging her hand back and forth.

Cina: No, no. Don't you even dare blame yourself. I understand Jooheon's frustration if he does need more time with you but that's certainly not how you communicate it. Not to mention you don't even know why he and Changkyun were fighting in the first place.

I rub my temples trying to piece together everything but nothing makes sense.

Cina: Eventually you'll have to talk to him and maybe the others to see what they're feeling. You're a therapist but you can't read minds.

She looks at Yeosang who walks in.

Cina: Like I can't read his mind, but..

She grabs an orange and whips it at his leg.

Yeosang: Ouch Cina what the hell!
Cina: See? I wouldn't have known that hurt if he didn't say it. Communication.

My bestfriend is nuts but she's right.


Someone taps on my bedroom door and Wonho walks in. He smiles sitting on the bed next to me. He doesn't say anything as he puts an arm around me and I lean into his side.

Me: Does he hate me?
Wonho: Of course not.

Having seven husbands is no picnic. You have to make sure each one knows how much you love them and show them their appreciated.

Maybe Honey wasn't feeling appreciated or loved lately. It's my job to fix that. That's probably what he meant when he told me to be a wife.

Me: Do you hate me?
Wonho: What?
Me: I don't know, maybe I haven't been the best wife.
Wonho: Santana, I love you with everything in me. This may sound weird but I stalk you in a sense.

My eyebrows furrow together.

Wonho: Let me rephrase.
Me: Please do.

He laughs.

Wonho: I notice how hard you work around here. Making sure we've all ate and if we're okay and slept well. You spend everyday making sure seven grown men and three young adults are okay. You rarely have time for yourself. I could never hate someone who loves me like you do.

He kisses the top of my head.

Wonho: Things won't always be perfect, we're humans. We fight, we yell, we curse but at the end of the day we work it out because we love each other.

I look at his and I wedding rings.

For better or worse.


i just finished turning red a few hours ago and i absolutely adored it. i'll probably watch it a thousand times like i did encanto.

Monsta [Book 5]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora