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Santana's point of view

The two bears refused to tell me anything. Wonho kept his signature smile while Shownu kept his blank and innocent face. They told me not to worry about it anymore and that was that.

I trust them so I won't worry, but I hope they didn't do anything too drastic. Knowing this duo it wasn't but if it was Changkyun and Jooheon that would be a different story.

Wonnie, Kai and Yeonjun play with the new puppy Monster. X watches from his bed he rarely leaves these days. I pet the old dog and he gently licks my hand.

Kai: Mom can you guys visit us in Japan? We'll be there for a month doing some shoots and promoting.
Yeonjun: We could have a family dinner and sightsee.

I smile.

Me: We can, I'll have to see what your dads' schedule is like. Wonnie will you be free?

He nods.

Wonnie: I'll make time. It's this sushi restaurant there I fell in love with last time and haven't had it in a while.
Yeonjun: Don't come for the food! Come for us!
Wonnie: I can do both.
Yeonjun: This brat.

There's a knock on the door and I go to answer it. On the other side is a familiar but unfamiliar face all at the same time. Nose job? Botox? It's something. Jangee's mother eyes me up and down.

May: Santana.
Me: Yo.I thought you weren't coming until next week.
May: Change of plans.

She tries to barge in but I block her by leaning against the doorframe. To be honest I'm not her biggest fan for multiple reasons.

She hates my marriage and shames it any chance she gets to her family. Unfortunately for her, her aunt -Hyungwon's mother- adores me and puts an end to her complaining each time.


I turn around to see Jangee just as shocked as I am. She takes that opportunity to come in suitcases rolling behind her. I roll my eyes closing the door.

Jangee: What're you doing here so early?
May: Does it matter?
Jangee: I guess not.

She looks over into the dining room at the boys. She doesn't say anything as she starts to go upstairs.

This is why Jangee is such a menace. His rude ass mother.

Me: Are you not going to greet them?
May: Jet-lagged.

Jet? Bitch you caught the bus.

Hyungwon comes out of the kitchen and sees the display in front of him also surprised by his cousin sudden appearance.

Hyungwon: May?
May: I'll be in the guest room.

My eyes stare daggers at my husband.

Hyungwon: I knew she was coming and taking Jangee I'm not sure what she's doing now.

I take a deep breath, whatever. We just dodged a major stress bullet with Leroy so I won't let this ruin my mood. I kiss Hyungwon's cheek.

Me: It's alright, she's family after all right?


"I need fifty thousand dollars."

We all blink and Jooheon absolutely loses it. He jumps up and down shouting.

Jooheon: No! No! No! No! Nomore fucking money! Why does everyone wants money from us? Go to work!

Wonho rubs the distressed boy's back.

May: Hyungwon?
Hyungwon: While I don't mind helping, that's a lot of money. Especially when we've been here trying to show Jangee different colleges and other things. He expressed himself to me so..-

She sighs.

May: Listen Jangee is not the college kind of kid.
Changkyun: What does that mean?
May: He has a lot of interests and hobbies. There's so many things he wants to do and things he wants to see before just settling down on studies.

Hyungwon argues that May has always tried her best when it came to her son, Jangee argues the opposite and I'm the latter.

I don't like May at all but I also know her past. She has done a lot to make sure her son never went hungry or homeless. There has also been instances where she's put herself in questionable situations.

You live and learn.

May: I'm pregnant.

Our eyes widen.

Hyungwon: Like another kid?
Minhyuk: Do you know any other term for pregnant?

I clap my hands together.

Me: So we're gonna' step out and give you family time, okay? okay.

I start to push the boys out.

Jooheon: But!
Me: Honey this is between Hyungwon and his cousin.
Jooheon: The money though!
Me: If he chooses to it'll come from his account. If it's from the joined account we can all plot on how to kill him.


I go into Kai's old room plopping down on the bed while he writes at his desk.

Kai: I like being an idol and all but I miss living here with all of you.
Me: This will always be your home ya' know? I don't care how old you get you can always come cry to us.

He smiles.

Kai: I heard Jangee's mom was pregnant.
Me: From who?
Kai: Jooheon was yelling about it.

I facepalm.

Me: Yeah, that's what it seems like. Did Jangee hear?

He nods.

Kai: He said he isn't surprised. His mom disappears for days at a time and then pops up again. Sometimes she leaves at night, comes home in the morning crying. Kind of sad.

I bang my head against the pillow. Can I just go back in time when all I did was get fucked?


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