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Santana's point of view

The shower curtain yanks open and I just sigh, I'm used to it by now.

Jooheon: I hate how nice you are sometimes!
Me: I'm trying to wash my pussy.

He glances down.

Jooheon: I see that, but still!
Me: What're you talking about?
Jooheon: Telling Hyungwon to help May?
Me: That's his family.
Jooheon: Does family mean no boundaries?

The man speaks about boundaries as he lectures his wife while she's trying to bathe. Nevertheless he's not technically wrong, not having boundaries is how you get taken advantage of.

Eventually he waits until I'm done and sits on my bed. I wrap my towel around me and sigh.

Me: Are you in a bad mood?
Jooheon: No? Yes? I don't know. I just don't like the thought of someone abusing your kindness all the time.

I giggle.

Me: Trust me you don't have to worry about that, I know how to say no. I've just matured since you met me.
Jooheon: Yeah younger you were a hot head.
Me: So were you!
Jooheon: I was always a sweet bumblebee.

I scoff.

Me: More like a wasp.

We both start laughing and he smiles.

Jooheon: I'll always protect you, ya' know?
Me: I know.


In order to raise the vibe around the house the guys suggested a barbecue. I jumped at the opportunity to relax and drink glasses upon glasses of wine with my best friends.

Cina and Char talk about life at the hospital and vet clinic while I soak in the very fine man on the grill. Shownu dabs the sweat off his forehead adjusting his baseball cap every so often.

His arms flex with every movement, very visible with the sleeveless shirt he's wearing. I fan myself.

Cina: Earth to San? Stop eye fucking your husband.
Me: Shut up, you know what I just thought about? Make up sex.

Char tilts her head like a lost puppy.

Me: I've had it with everyone except Shownu.
Cina: Is it because you and Shownu don't fight often?
Me: Yeah exactly and make up sex is like the best!
Char: I don't think Hongjoong and I have ever had that. We talk things out before we're intimate again.

Cina tsks.

Cina: Boring!

I chuckle.

Cina: You have to try it one day Char. It'll change your life.
Char: Or I'll get pregnant again.
Cina: True I never met someone as fertile as you.

We all laugh.

Char: So how are you going to have that with Shownu if you rarely fight?
Cina: Start one!
Me: You want me to just randomly start a fight?
Cina: I do it all the time to Yeosang but since he's a sadist it gets kind of wicked sometimes. Is Shownu a sadist?

I shake my head before pointing to the boy choking on a hamburger.

Me: Hyungwon is.
Cina: Put your acting shoes on girl, although you may want to do it after the boys leave. You don't want your kids hearing their mom get tore up like that.

True indeed.


I go downstairs to make some tea before bed and see Jangee sitting at the table. He and his mother are leaving tomorrow, earlier than expected but since she got some money from Hyungwon she's set to go.

Me: You okay?
Jangee: My moms pregnant.
Me: I heard. Are you happy?

He shrugs.

Jangee: Having a sibling sounds cool but only if she's apart of its life. She's barely in mine and when I mention it she brings up doing what she has to for me.

I begin making tea for the both of us.

Me: I do believe your mother thinks she's doing everything in your best interest. She's trying but she's not hearing your concerns and now that you're older maybe she should.

He thanks me as I sit the mug in front of him.

Jangee: Growing up was your mom like this?
Me: My father was. He did a lot of things he thought was in the best interest of his family. He tried his best.

I sigh.

Me: But if he would've listened to us things would've been different. So you keep talking to her, and make her hear you. That way your sibling, your mom and you can have a long happy life together.

He smiles nodding.

Jangee: Sorry for all the hell I put you through. I guess I just always wanted someone to see me and hear me.
Me: Believe you me we always were aware of your existence. Be lucky you have a cousin who adores you as much as Hyungwon.

I hear footsteps come down the steps and it's my two stooges.

Kai: What're you guys doing up?
Me: Drinking tea you want some?
Yeonjun: I'll take an early grey thanks.
Me: You'll take chamomile because that's all I got.

The rest of the night we just sat there with our tea talking about anything that bothered them. It felt good to go back to the basics.


hey hey!

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