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Santana's point of view

It's wash day and all seven of my husbands seem to be hiding. I walk around carrying my towel, shampoo, conditioner and detangler.

Last time Hyungwon helped me and some way some how he got shampoo all in my eyes so I fired him from ever helping me again. This house is quiet, dead silent.


I creep downstairs to the basement and sure enough Kihyun is cleaning. Every Saturday night they have guys night and all the men come over to drink, watch their little shows and gossip.

Every Sunday Kihyun cleans up after them too.

Me: Where's your brothers?

He grins.

Kihyun: Hiding from the both of us.
Me: They don't want to help you clean and don't want to help me wash, how mean.
Kihyun: I agree. You should divorce them and run away with me.
Me: I'll pack.

I sit down my stuff on a nearby table and start to help him clean.

Kihyun: You don't have to.
Me: I don't mind.
Kihyun: You want me to help you with your hair don't you?
Me: Duh.

He laughs before nodding. I must've been tired last night because the way this basement is it seems like they had an entire party.

Meanwhile I was in my room drooling.

I woke up to messages from Cina, Char, Saelee and Elena being nosey though. For all I know they could've been playing dungeons and dragons down here.

Once we're done we take a small break to drink some coffee. We haven't gotten to my hair yet and I'm already exhausted. Meanwhile those six are still hiding.

Then it clicks.

I text Cina.

Me: Who's at your house right now?
Cina: Your six feet kids.

Knew it.

Cina: Wash day?
Me: Mhm.
Cina: They're making steaks with Seonghwa.
Me: I hate them😂.

Me: They're at Cina's house.
Kihyun: I knew it had to be there or San's.

After a while we begin this very long process.

We end up going back to the basement because there's a huge sink down there I use specifically for washing my hair. As much as I love to be one of the people who wash in the shower, I can't; I'm too clumsy for that.

Kihyun gently massages the shampoo into my head. He pauses to kiss me making me smile. I adjust my neck pillow before leaning all the way back in the chair. His hands are so smooth and relaxing if I close my eyes too long I'll fall asleep no doubt.

After hours we're both sprayed across the living-room floor. The door opens and the six traitors come in.

Jooheon: Hey you two.

I stick up my middle finger.

Changkyun: We brought you guys steak dinners from Cina's! Steak, asparagus, and red garlic potatoes.
Jooheon: And a side of vanilla cake.
Kihyun: When I get off this floor...

Both younger boys hide behind Wonho.

Hyungwon: In exchange for abandoning you guys we'll clean the house and do the laundry this week.

I go to sit up and my back pops, I lay right back down.

Kihyun: We know you will!
Shownu: I'll go warm your food up for you.

Minhyuk hums.

Minhyuk: If you roll over I can walk on your back so it cracks.
Kihyun: Get away from me.

I force myself back up and Hyungwon help me up. He smiles at me.

Hyungwon: Have I told you how beautiful you are lately?
Me: Shove it.

I help Kihyun off the ground and Changkyun physically cringes.

Changkyun: She might just run away with him tonight.


An annoying but oso familiar sensation wakes me up in the middle of the night. I go into the bathroom to see the beginning of hell. It's still light so thankfully it didn't ruin my sheets or anything. Two in the morning, she could've came in the morning so I can at least sleep.

I turn on the shower and sneak into my closet to grab some fresh pajamas and underclothes. I glance over to see if Minhyuk is still sleep and he is.

Honestly I'm not sure what time he came in here, I've been so sleepy and out of it lately. I let the water run down my body as I lean my head against the cool tile wall.

The curtain slides open and I glance at the tired man.

Me: Go back to sleep.
Minhyuk: Are you okay?
Me: Mother nature came.

He smiles sadly.

Minhyuk: I'll plug up your heating pad.

Sometimes I forget how lucky I truly am to have them. After getting changed, I get back into the bed with Minhyuk. He slides my tank top up placing the pad on my stomach.

Minhyuk: Level three?

I nod.

He hands me two pills and a cup of organic raspberry leave tea.


To my wonderful humans that have a period if you drink organic raspberry leaf tea (don't add sugar or anything, drink it plain) a week before your period comes it eases your cramps. Drinking while menstruating can have a positive effect too.


Minhyuk grins and I can't help but to laugh.

Me: What?
Minhyuk: There was a time I didn't believe this would work. Sharing one girl, having kids, getting married. But I've never been happier to be wrong.

I know what he means. He was very worried for our future once upon a time, he even thought I'd break up with a few members as the years went on.

Me: Nope, you're stuck with me. So if you ever want to break up you have to leave.

He frowns.

Minhyuk: There's nothing in the world that could make me leave you.
Me: I love you.
Minhyuk: I love you too.

The door opens to reveal Jooheon holding a pillow. He tiredly makes his way over to the bed, laying on the other side of me. He notices the heating pad and frowns.

Jooheon: Are you okay?
Me: Yeah, just light cramps.

He kisses my forehead before rolling over. Soon enough Minhyuk and I hear light snores. We both chuckle quietly. Throughout the night I hear my door open and close, I never understand how they all maneuver in here to sleep comfortably but I'm happy they do.


i love monsta x so much

i love monsta x so much

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