I Wasn't Negligent

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Chapter Forty

Interlude: I Wasn't Negligent

Sam's POV

It was a typical day for the man. At least, as typical as his days could get. Normalcy varied after all. For some people, a typical day was going to work and getting screamed at by a boss who didn't care that they worked overtime every day, with a pay that clearly wasn't worth it. For some, normalcy was getting bullied by their peers. Some like his new 'friend'.

The man's typical day though was usually a combination of outrageous events, and people throwing curses at him for things that were their fault. Kill a man, the Devil made me do it. Rob a bank, the Devil made me do it. Steal candy from a baby, the Devil made me do it.

It both annoyed and fascinated him how humans were adamant on trying to evade responsibility. Yet, they always claimed to be the most superior species. He thought they were just a bunch of simpletons that didn't deserve the air they breathed.

He had stopped at a park and tried to relax amongst the beauty of nature he knew would be demolished sooner or later when the humans decided a dumb industry was more important than fresh air and natural beauty.

He missed the old times. The times before technology. Everything was a lot simpler and more beautiful on earth, but humans had to be humans and polluting things was what they did best. Sure, they could blame him for the incident at Eden, and he wasn't denying it was his fault, but he knew his Father wanted it to happen. It was going to happen, with or without his help.

Humans were just designed like that.

He had told his Father not to add curiosity to man's genetic makeup, but his request was denied. His Father deemed it perfect. Perhaps He wanted his creatures to explore, to become creators too, but that came at the price of his beloved planet.

The man really couldn't wait to see the death of the planet and the permanent annihilation of the human species, and he knew most of his brothers wanted same, even though they would never admit it.

He watched humans run around with their pets, trying to fill the gaping emptiness that existed within them, trying to create an illusion that they weren't lonely and unhappy. He had watched humans for so long, he knew that they were all unhappy, they were all seeking something they thought would fill the hole in their lives; love, money, and the likes, but all that only brought temporal happiness.

He knew they would never be wholly happy, because humans didn't know how to be wholly content with what they had.

Perhaps that was the only thing he shared in common with the damned specie. It was after whole discontent that caused him to start a riot, and it didn't end well for him, the same way it ended badly for most of the humans.

He chuckled to himself and shook his head at the memory.

Unfortunately for him though, relaxation wasn't a luxury he could afford for hours at a time. Work always came looking for him, and that day, it came in the form of one of his favourite siblings; Azrael.

He knew Azrael was approaching before he even got there.

The stronger Angels were always easier to detect. They had power radiating from their being. It surrounded them like a sort of fragrance, unable to be hidden. It was the smaller and less significant Angels that were hard to spot. Their power was nothing compared to his, so was always overwhelmed, getting lost in those of their superiors.

The stench of death and hostility, warmth and life followed Azrael wherever he went, and the man knew Azrael only meant more work for him. He sighed, tempted to evade his brother, but chose not to.

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