Chapter Twelve

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𝐸𝑛𝑧𝑜 ☽

Aurora stiffened up in her seat. I followed her eyes toward the entrance where the same guy I saw in the photo was standing there with a girl tucked against his side.

"Rory let's go somewhere else," I whispered to her.

She shook her head and sat up straighter, "No. He's going to have to deal with me."

"Are you sure? We can go, it's alright."

"No, I'm happy, and I want him to see I've moved on."

She smiled, the genuine one. I knew she wasn't lying then.

"You're so petty, I love it."

She laughed and put her head on my shoulder. We both watched Matteo and Nico colour and giggle when they showed each other what the other one was doing on their paper.

"What are you two giggling at?"

"Look at what I drew!"

Nico held up his drawing, there was some weirdly drawn animal on it. It was coloured with every single crayon in the cup as well.

Matteo held up his, he had a similar drawing as well, but his was more...spiky?

We all burst into laughter.

The laughter died down when the waiter brought over our food and drinks. Aurora thanked the waitress before passing the kids food to them and taking the crayons away from them so they would actually eat first.

"Wow, Aurora. You move on fast."

Fucking Josh now stood in front of Aurora and I, just behind the boys. He pulled his girlfriend, Amy or whatever, closer to him. She winked at me, I curled my lip in disgust and looked away.

Aurora crossed her arms over her chest and tilted her head to the side. She stared Josh down like he was nothing more than a animal.

"I do, don't I?" she said, tucking herself closer to me. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder as she said, "I would like you to meet my boyfriend, Enzo."

I was taken back by the comment but played it cool and put my head on hers.

"Pleasure to me you. Jack, right?"

"It's Josh," he said with a sneer.

"Oh, sorry about that Jason."

"Do you need something?" Aurora asked, letting her hand trail up and down my thigh.

"You didn't get any of my calls or messages?"

She pulled out her phone and scrolled through her notifications. She shrugged and placed her phone the table.

"Cover you ears boys," she whispered to the twins who looked like they were about to shit their pants.

They obliged, shutting their eyes as well.

"Either I blocked you, or Enzo was busy fucking me. You know? Doing the shit that you could never fucking do with me."

"You little whore—"

"Don't speak to me like that you piece of shit. Now, leave my boyfriend and I alone," she whisper-yelled. A dangerous smile formed on her lips.

"What and are these your kids? They look like their eleven years old! Were you cheating on me before hand?"

"No dipshit. They're my brothers. We are out together since we had free time and decided not to use it to fuck. Now, leave us alone."

Ava slid out of Josh's arms and stepped forward.

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