Excruciatingly Painful Hijabs to look at.

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1. Camel Hump

Okay sisters, I dunno who da hell started this one. But it looks terrible and anyone who's pretending different is kidding themselves ( #HarryPotterAndTheDeathlyHallowsRefrence) It's like woah dude, you turned into a camel wtf is all dis about?

And its bloody OBVIOUS when you stuff those big flowery balls under your hijab, and bun higher than the middle is HARAAM you get it HARAAM like, you could get arrested by the Haraam Police for that man. ( check out Smile2jannah on YouTube) It's forbidden so why the hell is you doing it it ain't pretty.


2. The turban.

Kay, we are MUSLIMAHS, therefore it is FARDH (compulsory) to wear a HIJAB. A freakin turban is not a hijab. We are not seekh men, we are MUSLIMAHS. Geddit? We are NOT seekh men we are MUSLIMAHS. Like when in the hell did you turn into Professor Quirell?

And don't say to yourself "I'm using a hijab to tie up the turban, so it is a hijab" Coz no man, that ain't cool okay?! Hijabs are supposed to cover your head, neck, hair ears, and chest. Turban are just wrapped around your head, so basically you might aswell walk around without one coz it doesn't make a difference.


3. Baby scarfs.

Okay I've spotted some 18 year old sisters wearing scarfs for 5 year olds. LIKE WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TO?!

In the hijab shops, there are LOADS of sizes, you go buy your one. And if you can't tell ask. Just don't, don't use your little sisters. For the love of god.

4. Light bulbs hijabis

This is more of a hijabi rant thing. If your gonna wear the hijab. Wear it all the time (in public) not like, okay, imma put it on for Geography and take it off for History because I wanna show of to the people in History theyre so cool Yada Yada Yada.

It is not a light bulb, you can't put in on when you like and take it off when you like. Hijab comes with responsibility, but in return for wearing the hijab, you gt respect, and reward in the hear after.

5. Folded Laundry

Some people *cough everyone cough* do layers with their hijab, and let me tell ya I do, I do two layers, and thats it. But some mentally ill people do like 1000000000 layers, thick thick thick layers, and sorry to break the news, BUT IT LOOKS TERRIBLE.

It looks like you have a pile of folded laundry on your head. Seriously unwrap a few, don't go round looking like a cocooned catterpillar.

6. Mr Tumble.

Okay if your British you'll get why I called this Mr Tumble.

Some girls have like a billion and five pins stuck in their hijabs, you know those needle like ones wih the coloured ball on the end, yeah, those.

But the thing is, all we see on your hijab is a billion and five randomly coloured, randomly placed balls. WTH?!

You seriously look like Mr Frikin tumble walking with a hijab on like that.

One pin is enough, if not use more, but not unnecessary pins. Dude, chill.

Okay I'm done here, comment the bad hijab styles below. I'd love to have a laugh.

Luv yaa


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