Things Only Desi Girls Understand

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I bet when you saw the title you started singing like; "MA DESI GIRL AIN NOBODY LIKE MY DESI GIRL!"

I did too.



After a wedding taking off your heavy beaded intricately designed dress and just sighing in relief.


When you have henna on and your just sitting there for half an hour with your hand stuck out like a lollipop lady.


Not being able to ride a bike in Asia because its considered "un ladylike"


When you can't cook roti your aunt is just like "YOU WILL NEVER GET MARRIED EVER,"


When you're at a party and your ain't is like "beta meet shariah, her son is the same age as you"

In other words

"Beta meet your future mother in law,  we're discussing the wedding,"

Inhale. Back away. Exhale.


When its a family meal and the food is really spicy, everyone is eating it normally and your just chugging down water like you've jut broken your fast.

"She calls herself a desi,"


"I feel sorry for her future husband, her food is gonna be so bland,"


So nuns are considered "devoted to their religion" but hijabis are "oppressed,"


Get your facts straight dude.


When white people stare at you like "she is so brown,"

And your like "better than that fake orange tan you have to put on yourself to prevent yourself from looking like frozen milk,"

Apply cold water to burn.


When white people dress up in lengas and ty to bollywood dance

Me: Epic. Fail. Bro.


White person: So where are you from?

Me: Wales.

White person: no where are you actually from?

Me: .....


Teacher: so what does your mum work as

Me: she used to be a teacher but now she has us so she stopped.

Teacher: Oh, she used to be a teacher in asia

Me: 0.o no........she was born here, shes lived her whole life here.

Teacher: 0.o

Everyone thinks that Asian parents are just these stupid idiots who came to Britain for money.

Hurts right here.


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Not asking for much am I ? XD

Cherries, chocolate and strawberry cupcakes.


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