Annoying Questions Non-Muslims ask Muslim Bearded Men

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Thats a long title.

Anywaayyyyyys, Asalamualaikum wattrokers!

This may make you snort in in relation.

I don't have a beard myself, I just collected data from my family XD

And asked them the questions myself XXXXXD

'Coz tust me I've heard some preeeeeetttttty stupid questions.

1. Are you a sheikh?

Errrr, no. As much as I'd love to be one, I'm just a normal muslim brother with a beard. Is that confusing?

2. Why don't you plait your beard?

Because it's a beard...........

3. Isn't it annoying?


4. Why do you have a beard?

So when I'm thinking I can stroke it derrrrr......

5. How old are you like........53?

I'm 25...........

6. Can I touch your beard?


Lol, anyway.


Luv yaa!


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