How To Pack a Suitcase

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It's For Laughs Friday everyone, time to CELEBRATE. *moon walks to success*

For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about welcome and sit back and relax. For Laughs Friday is basically Friday, but I call it for laughs because every Friday I update a comedy post/rant on "Wattroker's Life" and a chapter on "We Stole The Tiara", both being comedy book and written by me , you'll basically die of laughter,  because, seriously, I'm hilarious right?!

This Friday I'm doing a "How To" because hail the Queen, I know everything.


How To Pack a Suitcase.

So for those of you who don't know, I AM MOVING COUNTRY (again) and I have moved SO MANY TIMES I'm a PRO at packing. So I thought I share my tips, with you guys, because I'm a professional.

1. Pack weeks in advance.
Now this may sound stupid, but I am a procrastinator, and I learned from my mistakes. Start packing weeks in advance, slowly, but weeks im advance, I guarantee you that the packing WILL NOT FINISH until the night before. So start packing in advance and you'll feel much more relaxed and can enjoy the hustle while its there.

2. Don't be a hoarder.

Don't be a hoarder, just don't. I'm a hoarder and that just leads to my suitcase being overweight because of stuff I don't even wear or need. So be generous to the people in need and take everything you don't wear and give it to them, everyone wins.

3. Roll up clothes.

Roll up your clothes, roll up any material and it fits easily and it doesn't crease.

4. How to pack perfumes.

With perfumes and talcum powder, use clingfilm (saran wrap) and wrap it around the nozel/holes, then place the lid on top, then wrap it in more clingfilm and don't use a box (unless use its a designer perfume) use clothes to wrap up the perfume to prevent it from smashing,  this way both the item of clothing and perfume will not take up that much space.

5. Weigh before you leave.

Weigh the suitcase, that way there will be no trouble in the airport.

6. How to pack hand luggage.

In your hand luggage pack: mobile devices, cash, one outfit, hairbrush, slippers, a cardigan and a book. Because who has time to open suitcases the minute you arrive?

There you go, hope you had lots of laughs this Friday, don't forget to check out my new chapter in "We Stole The Tiara" and hashtag #RedefiningMentalHealth on twitter facebook etc.

Cherries, chocolate and strawberry cupcakes.


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