Desi Problems (Again)

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1. The classic recycling

Ever opened the fridge and saw an ice cream tub? Yeah instantly your brain goes "bulls eye!", amd then you look inside...

Its frikin curry.

Oh jee thanks mum, just put it in the ice cream container will you, yeah just get my hopes up.

Or the spices in the yoghurt pot, you want yoghurt, you open it up and theres just this pungent smell of spices. -_-

Heres what happened a while back.

My aunt visited our house and was looking through the kitchen.

Aunt: *opens cupboard* *sees rows and rows of yoghurt pots*

Aunt: What the hell is in all of these?!

Mum : oh you know just spices.

Aunt: WHAT?! All you need is mixed masala and some tunya (coriander) like what da flip is in them?!

Mum:  well, in one theres unhudvana

Aunt: WHAT DA F**** IS THAT?

Mum: dry pomegranate seeds

Aunt: *slams cupboard shut* Why da f*** you need that?!

XD shes so funny you guys you don't even understand,  it was my exact reaction.  Like, why mum? Why?

2. Comparing

Yah, it's the worst.  For example

Mum: Look at zina! She looks after her seven sisters storyzrok! SEVEN! And what do you do? Hm? Hm?

Me: 0.o I'm a alima student and a wattpad author what else so you want me to do?

Mum: Oh yeah thats so useful!!!

Me: 0.o


3. Bag Hoarding

So you open a drawer,  and then all of a sudden its like BOOM and it explodes, and plastic bags go flying every where.

Bag hoarding.


4. Doctor Doctor

Is it just my family or do all Asian parents think they're doctors for example:

Me: Ow ow ow ow ow I just bruised my elbow!

Mum: You'll be fine.

Grandma: Put some tumeric on it.

Me and Mum: 0.o

Me: How is tumeric gonna help?

Grandma: Are you the doctor or am I the doctor?

Me and Mum: 0.o You're not a doctor.

5. The Perfectionist

Yup, probably the worst. No matter how many times you wash the dishes your mum will always take the out and wash them again.

Or when you wash the clothes,  you wash them by hand and by washing machine, because apparently the washing machine doesn't get into the material.

Or when you cook dinner the judging scale goes like this.


Realy bad




Apparently to one goes over okay because thats the mums level of cooking.

Really Mum?


So hope you enjoyed Desi Probkems (Again) its a bit short but.......pwees dont hate. Anyways EID IS COMING UP GUYS WOOOOOOOOO!!! . Until then, vote,  comment, and dont forget to tell us your desi problems!

Cherries, chocolate and strawberry cupcakes.


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