Foodie Problems That'll Make You Go, Gah

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1. When theres no food, only lots of ingredients to make food.

2. Wheb you complain to your mum "theres no food" the response you'll get is "whats dyou mean theres no food, theres apples and bananas and......,"

And your just like: "I meant cookies and doughnuts and cake mum,"

3. Getting judged when you eat a lot

4. The only reason you go to weddings andd such is because there'll be free food.

5. Wearing graphic hoodies that have food on them, and people stare.

6. When you're hungry after a meal.

7. When you're hungry right before a meal.

8. When you wanna eat but you can't be bothered to get up.

9. Being hungry. All. The. Time.

10. Looking at food on pintrest when you're fasting.

11. Fasting


Whatdya think?

Hope you enjoyed, sorry for the lack of updates my wifi wasn't working.


Cherries, chocolate and strawberry cupcakes.


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