Questions and Quite Interesting Answers

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So I asked for questions,  I got 'em, now prepare to have your mind blown with these quite interesting answers I've given.....

Q; Apple or banana?  @Happymimiminion


Q; Wifi or  phone charge?  @Happymimiminion

Crappy wifi / 

Q; Why did you start writing on wattpad? @EndlessBoundaries

Hehe, funny story. So my cousin had wattpad first, and my wifi was broken (TOLD YOU IT WAS CRAPPY) and she was like OMG YOU HAVE TO DOWNLOAD IT and I was like "naah im good," and she's like NO ILL DOWNLOAD IT ON YOUR TAB MYSELF.

Yeah she's pretty crazy, so I downloaded it, and first I had another account, then my wifi broke again so I had to re download it, and I lost the password and then......


I've always loved reading and writing,  (my mum is a teacher) so I just wrote naturally.

The. Flippin. End.

Q How do you deal with writers block? @HabbzBubzBiiba

Wait it out, times a good healer. Don't ever feel pressured in having to update, writing is for fun, its not a job or duty, but usually to get my mind to broaden a bit I paint, and read other books.

Q What genres do you like reading? Is it the same that you like to write? @

Yeah, mostly the same that I like to write. Such as action, spiritual, humor, random, thriller, supernatural, werewolf,  etc.

I despise clichés, I love unique books with crazy far fetched plots.  And maybe the occasional well written clichè with a plot twist.

Q Why storyzrok? @Happymimiminion

No idea, I was rushed makin my account so I typed in the first thing that came into mind "stories rock" but I cut it and slangafied it so I became "storyzrok"

Q Minion or Grue? @Happymimiminion

Minion duh.

Q coffee or tea? @Happymimiminion

Born and bred in Britain,  so I have to say tea.

Q Favourite food @Happymimiminion

LUCHI AND HALVA mmmmmmmmmmm yum yum

Luchi is like a thin fried bread thing and halva is toasted dry semolina mixed in with a sugar water and flavoured to perfection.


Q Day or night? @Happymimiminion

Night, when I can break down and cry in my bed whilst everyone sleeps soundly. No questions, no disturbance, no pity,  nothing.

Q How did you cope with studies after coming back from the UK?  I know studies abroad are very different and difficult. @directioner112255

Well I'm actually born and bred in Britain, I just moved abroad a year ago so the studies are very diffrent for me, back in Britain I did school and madrassah, but abroad I just do madrassah, I'm hoping to go back soon and go to a boarding school so lots of changes!!!

So guys thats it, I'm sorrh for the stupidness I'm so tired my eyes are just drooping,  gahhhhh.

And I have work to do so GAHHHHHHHHH.

Snooze is ma booze.


Cherries, chocolate and strawberry cupcakes.


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