Problems Only Ghetto Muslimahs Understand

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It's For Laughs Friday everyone, time to CELEBRATE. *moon walks to success*

For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about welcome and sit back and relax. For Laughs Friday is basically Friday, but I call it for laughs because every Friday I update a comedy post/rant on "Wattroker's Life" , being comedy book and written by me , you'll basically die of laughter, because, seriously, I'm hilarious right?!


Problems Only Ghetto Muslimahs Understand

1. Not knowing how to make your hijab look "stylish"

2. Wanting to wear hoodies 24/7 but having to wear an abayah with it.

3. Not being able to wear a baseball hat on your hijab.

4. People mock you when you say "I rap" or yeah, "I'm more of a tomboy"

5. When you say stuff like "Imma slap yo face dawg," in public, you get weird looks.

6. People underestimating your strength.

7. Having to be polite (but you end up sounding rude anyway).

8. People laugh at you and say you're going through a phase. Like hell naah, I've been doing graffiti and rapping since I was nine gurl.

But let's face it, we the best.

There you go, hope you had lots of laughs this Friday, don't forget to check out my other books, and hashtag #RedefiningMentalHealth on twitter facebook etc.

Cherries, chocolate and strawberry cupcakes.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2016 ⏰

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