Types Of People In Spring Break (Easter Holidays)

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It's For Laughs Friday everyone, time to CELEBRATE. *moon walks to success*

For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about welcome and sit back and relax. For Laughs Friday is basically Friday, but I call it for laughs because every Friday I update a comedy post/rant on "Wattroker's Life" and a chapter on "We Stole The Tiara", both being comedy book and written by me , you'll basically die of laughter, because, seriously, I'm hilarious right?!


Types Of People In spring Break/ Easter Holidays.

1. The "I'm too motivated for my own good" person

This person is BURSTING with determination to make this spring break the best ever. They're dusting the cupboards and mopping the floors and planning a visit too the park with their family.

It's not gonna happen.

2. The Hardcore Partier

It's all about that booze for this person. This spring break their own motto is "drink till you die" or get liver poisoning that is.

3. The "I'll do it next year" person

This person had tons of things on his/her list, takethe kids on an easter egg hunt, do some spring cleaning. Come the first day of holidays, its back to Netflix and "I'll do it next year,"

4. Ain't nobody got room for that.

Every spring break this lady's garden is stuffed with charity bags full of old clothes, toys and shoes. And the next day she's even thrown an old armchair out the window.

Ain't nobody got room for that.

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