What British Muslims Really Think

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It's For Laughs Friday everyone, time to CELEBRATE. *moon walks to success*

For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about welcome and sit back and relax. For Laughs Friday is basically Friday, but I call it for laughs because every Friday I update a comedy post/rant on "Wattroker's Life" and a chapter on "We Stole The Tiara", both being comedy book and written by me , you'll basically die of laughter, because, seriously, I'm hilarious right?!


Wow that lady looks too posh.

Why waste so much money on a dog when you can buy oreos?

Yep I'm wearing a hijab, got a problem mate?

I feel so out of place.

Wow Tesco has a lot of white people in it.

Look happy, you're representing Islam.

Oh for flips sake do you have to drink and run around on the road screaming.

Why are those girls laughing so loud, shut up.

Every single Christian looks the same, for real.

They're so healthy, just look at that old granny on the bike go!

Ew, clean up after your dogs please.

I am so done with this country.

There you go, hope you had lots of laughs this Friday, don't forget to check out my new chapter in "We Stole The Tiara" and hashtag #RedefiningMentalHealth on twitter facebook etc.

Cherries, chocolate and strawberry cupcakes.


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