episode 6 - trying to fit in.

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The weekend had hit rex hard as he was waiting for time to pass.

Max: whatcha doing rex?

Rex: just waiting for time to go by. Noah has asked me to go to the skate park, he says that he wasn't to teach me how to ride a skateboard. He also invited ben and Gwen, but I don't think Gwen's going.

Max: want me to drive you there?

Rex: nah, I was just going to use my rex ride to get there.

Bobo: rex ride?

Rex: ben has names for all of his aliens, so I was thinking of giving my different builds names. I mean I have my big fat sword and I've been calling my massive fists the smack hands. What do you think?

Bobo: I think those names are as stupid as Heatblast and four arms. But I have to say, it's been forever since I've seen you this happy. This Noah guy must be special or something right? He's secretly and evo or something isn't he?

Rex: no, he's just a normal kid, like I wish I was. Being a hero is fun and all but sometimes I just want to be a normal kid, like everybody else in school.

Max: glad to hear that you're enjoying school rex. How are you doing with fitting in?

Rex: well on my first day everybody learned that I was an Evo and we've already had to fight six, again. This is going to be calm compared to fighting animo, if that was his name.

Max: yep, that's animo. You know, it's odd. Ben always wanted to stop being a normal kid and yet here you are, I'm happy that you're enjoying yourself. I mean every day can't be fighting villains and saving the day. Go and have fun.

Rex: you coming bobo?

Bobo: nah, I'm going to stay here and watch this show on this tablet thingy.

Rex: if you say so. See you later max.

Max: just get back before dark.

Rex speeds off on his rex ride and manages to get to the skate park where he found Noah looking out on the park. When rex arrived, he forced the rex ride to disassemble it's self where its parts fell on the ground.

Noah: doesn't that hurt?

Rex: no, I need to sometimes just get rid of my builds. If I get to many nanites from curing evos then I become overloaded. So, unless you've got a super magnet on you this is the best I can do.

Noah: point taken. So, you ever skated before?

Rex: best I've done is my rex ride.

Noah: it's a good thing I brought a backup. And a spare helmet.

Rex: oh yeah, right. Helmets. I almost forgot we were supposed to ware those. Wait where is ben?

Noah just pointed into the skate park where rex saw that XLR8 was on a scooter, moving fast enough to fly a few feet into the air.

Rex: do you think I could give that a shot?

Noah: unlike a skateboard, you can't just get on a scooter and have a perfect understanding of it.

Ben: so, it may have taken me months to learn how to use a scooter effectively.

Rex: so, about that skateboard.

Noah: right. Here you go.

He hands rex a skateboard and rex tried to balance himself on it. And after a few moments it's clear that rex had already mastered balancing.

Ben: wow, you got the hang of that fast. How did you do that?

Rex: I have to balance on my boogie pack to keep it from flying me into trees. It's kind of similar to that honestly.

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