chapter one

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The smell of dark chocolate.

I perceive it as I walk towards a cabin of the Hogwarts Express. But before I can find out from whom it comes I hear someone heading in my direction.


Just as I turn around someone wraps their arms around me, pulling me into a tight hug.


"Hermione! How have you been? Your hair grew longer, suits you awesome!" I notice, pulling back with a smile all over my face. I haven't seen hear all summer holidays.

Just when she fully steps one step back I notice it's not only her hair that grew, but also she got taller.

"Well, the usual. Nothing new actually. I spend the most days at Ron's, with Harry. What about you? How have you been?" She answers, sharing the same grin as I do.

It's really disappointing to me that they three spend so much time together. Even during the holidays. That's one thing I am truly jealous of them. Their unbreakable friendship.

No news from my side though. I spend the holidays home, alone. Mostly writing letters to friends and hoping for the days to pass by faster. Just like every summer holidays.

Trying to keep my face unchanged I answer "Great. Very relaxing weeks they were." I lie.

Luckily she doesn't even notice and gives me another smile before looking past my shoulder.

"Wanna sit with us? Ron and Harry seem to be happy to see you too." She points behind me at Ron and Harry, sitting in the cabin behind us, which is all full with candy.

That's where the smell came from.

I shoot them a wink and we both join them.

"Very pleased to see you two as well!" I say, hugging both of them, Harry and Ron.

How usual, Ron's mouth's full of food as he tries to bring out a sentence.

"Roselee, where have you been all these weeks? Didn't hear from you at all." He finally manages to bring out during swallowing the rests in his mouth.

I cringe and we all start laughing.

"Manners Ronald!" Hermione reminds him, hitting his arm with the book in her hand.

"Sorry guys, I didn't owl you this time but there was nothing to talk about. Really." I add as I look at Harry and give him an innocent smile.

Harry and I have been good friends since first year. We basically are like family. Brother and sister. And I know it makes him sad to hear nothing from me all summer.

"You still could've written us though." He says coldly as he continues looking out of the window.

I immediately start feeling guilty and sigh.

"Look Harry, if you needed to know how I have been, you could've just written me yourself." I tell him as calmly as possible.

Harry and I had quite a few arguments before summer break. So we weren't on best terms when we went home. We didn't really argue, but we weren't on best terms either. I don't know what his problem was when he run into me, snogging with some Ravenclaw boy, but this anger in his eyes was horrifying. I think I haven't seen him that mad since this time.

And yes, I do understand he feels protective over me, thanks all the years we basically grew up together, but there was no need to be pissed at me the whole week straight after the accident.

It was at a party, I was drunk and had some fun. So? Who doesn't just make out with random hot strangers if you have the chance? A bonus if it's a hot stranger Ravenclaw.

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