chapter 29

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He's still asleep. His arms wrapped tightly around my body, not wanting to let go of me. His little breathes make me move right with him because he's holding me close to his chest. To his heart.

His brows are drawn together, perhaps he's dreaming bad.

I'm awake for over an hour now, thinking about what happened to him yesterday. He was so drunk, he couldn't even stand straight anymore. His eyes were jumping from one corner to the other. I have the feeling he didn't even know where he was himself. They looked so... heartbroken.

The last time he was drunk, he acted almost the same. Though, with the slightest change in how he treated me. The last time, he was a mess, tears streaming down his eyes because he didn't know what to do. He didn't think. He let the alcohol decide for him. He drank in a matter to feel something, because he hadn't been able to do so in a very long time.

But this time, this time was different. He seemed so... lost. Lost in his thoughts, lost in his mind. He was trying to find a way out of his thinking, perhaps. He was trying to do the right thing, to do the thing he longed for a very long time now. But something broke him once again. Something let him down, showing that there was no way out of whatever he was going through right now. His tears weren't hopeless tears this time; they were tears of actual pain. Actual heartbreak. His heart, I could feel, was aching. Is still aching.

And he doesn't know how to put it back in tact. He doesn't know how to repair the damage and how to heal the open wounds.

I perceive a slight moving underneath myself as Draco's eyes open. Oh my, how red they are. How much pain they hold. He looks like he is about to break down all over again.

His hurt sight meets mine after he observed the room. But Draco doesn't say a word. He's trying to remember what happened yesterday, because I'm sure the alcohol wiped away any memory from the last night.

I try to wait, try to give him space to think things through, but he doesn't talk. He just stares at me. His eyes full of exhaustion.

His hands slide off me as I get off him to sit up on the bed. I don't think he is going to talk first, so eventually I do.

"You uhm..." I mumble while rubbing my eyes to wipe away the sleep. "I was walking down the corridor and bumped into you. You were drunk and uh," I make a little pause to find the right words for him right now. "You looked like you've been very, and I mean very drunk. You cried, you looked in pain. So I took you to your room and you threw up, but I swear I cleaned everything. And I know you don't like me staying here, but you didn't want to let go of me. You asked me to stay with you. And uh, I didn't want to let you alone like this." I say all this in a rush, afraid Draco would interrupt me. But he doesn't. He let's me talk, listening to what I have to say. "We didn't have sex if that's what you're thinking."

"Thank you."

I blink a few times, waiting for something else to follow his two words but that's it. He thanked me.

I watch him sit up in his bed, immediately holding onto his head, shutting his eyes. The familiar headache after so much alcohol.

I get up quickly, opening his nightstand. "Do you want an aspirin?" I start looking around the inside of it, taking out a package of pills. But as I pick the aspirin package up I find something underneath, that makes me slow down my motions instantly. Beneath the pills there is a picture of Draco with a girl. They are in a garden of a major house, kissing each other. Both of them smiling against each others lips, while Draco's hand is placed onto the girls cheek protectively. The girl's arms are wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer to herself. It was taken in the summer at night, the garden is green and shiny. They look young in this picture, I guess fourth year; when they started dating. The picture looks really used down; the edges of it are already bending in. It seems like Draco is holding this picture often.

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