chapter 40

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"You are late."

I hear Draco's voice as I finally arrive at the top of the Astronomie tower like he told me to. I am utterly out of breath because damn those are a hell lot of stairs.

"Yeah, I got caught up by Pansy—" I start but Draco only shoves his hands into his pockets, giving me a scornful look.

"I don't care. Just get over here." He commands, making me draw my brows together. Why is he being so damn leader?

Nevertheless, I walk over to him, taking a closer look into his eyes. They look even emptier now than they did at our arrival at Hogwarts some days ago. He looks so lifeless. I wonder if it has something to do with Astoria again.

"Take out your wand." He tells me as I stand in front of him.

My eyes widen. Shoot. "I uhm— I forgot it..."

Draco watches me before forcing out a click of his tongue with an eye roll. "For Christs sake, why are you so—" he finishes his sentence with a deep groan before taking out his wand and mouthering 'Accio'.

In a matter of seconds my wand comes flying right into his hand. With some force Draco pushes it right into my hands and gives me a small nudge. "Go over there." He points to the other side of the Astronomie tower so I stumble there.

The breeze is cooling up here. The night clouds already formed their shapes in the dark sky. The stars spread in it, millions and millions of tiny little shiny dots, wrapped around the moon, which is full tonight, so it doesn't seem so lonely.

I am way too tired to practice our project now. Or better said my duelling skills, which Draco wants me to improve. Why-ever.

"Draco I'm tired," I complain as I turn to him again. "Can't we practise someday later?"

"Point out your wand now and concentrate." He doesn't even listen to me, yet again. His voice is firm and his tone harsh. Why practice now? At night? As if he was running out of time or something.

I look at him for a moment longer before lifting my wand and starting to do as he tells.


"Fucking hell Lavelle!" Draco shouts out after a while of me trying to duel with him but each time my spells were either way too weak for him or he knocked me over with one of his. He walks towards me in a rushed speed, making me step back a few steps until I reach a wall that I can press my back against at. He's loud, he's yelling. "What the fuck is wrong with you?! You are not fucking concentrated enough!"

I blink the fear away that is rising inside of me. He is so close, I can smell is familiar cologne. He looks so frustrated, his brows drawn together as his eyes darken. "I'm... I'm sorry, I'm doing everything I can." I try to shake my head in guilt but he only pushes off the wall, groaning out a furious sound again.

"You are not doing enough." He shouts at me, my heart starts racing faster. His body is tensed and his knuckles are turning white from the way he clunches onto his wand.

I feel the tears starting to burn behind my eyes as I bite my lip. I don't know if they come from the way Draco treats me right now, or from the pain that his charms send me through. Even if disarming charms didn't held their affect for long, a bunch of them in a row could be quite painful.

"Get back here." Draco says through gritted teeth as I remain at the cold wall, pressing my back against it.

I shake my head, blinking away the burn in my eyes. What's wrong with him? The only thing that is rushing through my mind right now is how he changed. The way Draco is like towards me. It changed completely. He was so careful with me before summer. So sweet, gentle.

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