chapter nine

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Downy flakes fall swiftly past the glow of the streetlight. A sprinkle of white flurries cast against the dark of night. The first snow this winter.

I didn't even notice, how it started snowing. By the time Draco and I got outside, the grounds of Hogwarts were already covered in a thick layer of fresh snow. Nobody was outside, except him and me. There were no foot steps in the snow, beside mine and his. The moon stood high, being one of the only light sources for me to acknowledge Draco's face from the far.

It is so quiet as I walk along the walkway of school property, hiding my hands further into the sleeves of my sweatshirt. I shiver slightly when a fresh breeze meets up with my warm skin. My view falls to the valley of the black lake, and how the snowflakes meet up with the freezing water. To know no one is out there right now, makes my mind feel at ease. The only sounds are coming from Draco's footsteps as he approaches me, my breathing, and the snow colliding with the earth.

I look up and watch the snowflakes falling from above. I can't see the beginning of the snowfall. The entire sky is filled with big snowflakes and I can't see anything but snowflakes. It makes me realise how tensed my jaw against itself was, how my shoulders weren't fully relaxed, and how my eyebrows were drawn together a little bit too much. Closing my eyes, I try to find comfort in easing my body. Unclenching every muscle that is not ought to be clenched right now. I breathe in the cool air, that comes to collision with my cheeks. The cold wind, the noises the snow makes as it hits the ground, the sounds of nightlife; It's peaceful.

"You like the snow or why are we trying to get a cold?"

Slowly I move my head at Draco, who is standing side by side with me, mimicking my motions by watching up at the sky as well, patiently waiting for my response. God, I have never seen something as beautiful. Ever.

The sight of him makes me never want to go back inside and stand here, observing the view with him.

The snowflakes find comfort in Draco's messy hair whilst his now reddish turned cheeks and his blood full lips are the only contrast to his appearance. His grey eyes melt into the pale colour of his skin when the moonlight touches them. Draco Malfoy is so effortlessly beautiful that I think, my favourite weather of all became snow just now.

I watch another snowflake land onto the strand of the hair of his forehead. "Yes," I force myself to look back out at the landscape in front of us before nodding my head. "I like the snow."

Draco nods in understatement. He doesn't say anything further. He just stands here with me, looking like a very real angel that I have somehow gotten the privilege to enjoy the first snowfall of this winter with.

As we stand there, non of us daring to break the warm hugging silence surrounding us, I realise that I have never seen Draco this silent. Never ever have I witnessed this boy being this calm and uncomplaining. He truthfully reminded me of the first snow in winter. So cold and merciless as you get in touch with it, but somehow beautiful, and yet so tranquil and gentle when you stand with it for a while, that you even start to miss it when it's gone.

Draco really was like snow that had yet to melt at the warmth of another humans touch.

And somehow, I don't know how, he made it seem as if he was actually enjoying my presence as well. I felt the warmth of his body, even though we weren't in touch. I felt as if he sincerely wanted to witness this moment with me.

"Look, Draco," I broke the silence first, drifting my gaze back at him. "I was thinking about what you said. Maybe I do want to have it with you. I mean, I'm sure I do want. It's just the way you asked me that day was what got me all confused, that's all." I tell him, my voice quiet because I know he listens.

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