chapter 32

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Mature content ahead...


"That was exhausting." Draco yawns as we come back to his room at night after the day out with our friends. He insisted for me to come over again to finish what we had started.

"It really was." I say back tiredly. I don't even know if I'm in the mood for sex after all. I'm way to sleepy.

Draco walks over to his closet, taking out two towels and some fresh clothes for both of us. "Wanna take a bath?"

The silence overcomes me. No way Draco actually said what he just said. Does he know that just sex-friends don't take baths together? Or do they?

But either way, there is no other answer for me than just nod. How could I miss some opportunity like this?

We go to Draco's bathroom and he lets the water fill the tub. After adding some bubbles and placing some candles to lighten up the room instead of actual light, Draco starts undressing and gets into the water, letting himself lean back against the tub.

I look at him stunned at his easy actions. We both didn't drink enough at the bar to be even considered tipsy and yet Draco acts as if he completely doesn't care about his own rules.

He looks up at me because I'm still fully dressed, standing in front of him and just staring. I don't understand him at all. "What are you waiting for? Undress."

Slowly, I start to pull on my clothing, taking it off me. This feels so intimate. The bathtub is obviously too small for us to lay on opposite sides, even though it's a big one, and yet I think Draco wanted me right in his arm because as soon as I'm standing naked in front of the tub, he is in, his arms open and are ready to embrace my figure.

I step into the water, goosebumps shooting up my entire body at the welcoming hotness of it, and lay down in Draco's arms. My back is pressed against his chest and his strong arms wrap around my belly, letting me gasp out a quiet moan at the closure of our bodies. I feel every inch of him. From chest to legs. His body is hard, muscles are well build all around him.

"You're so soft." Draco says quietly as his hands travel up my body to my bare chest, embracing it. After that his lips find their way to the spot between my neck and shoulder, kissing the skin in this area delicately tender.

A giggle forms out of my mouth. "I'm soft?"

"Mhm," he hums into my ear before kissing the side of my head. "You have very soft skin, like the one from a baby— You're just so pleasant to hold and to touch."

"Well thank you I guess?" I laugh out as Draco's arms pull me a little closer.

"And your laugh," he groans tenderly, wrapping his arms firmer around me. "So sweet."

A smile forms on my lips while I try to hold it back so hard. Draco is calling me sweet. He likes my laugh. He likes touching me.

I turn around to him, reaching for his lips before he collides them with mine.

He groans against my lips. He's tensing. "Rose—"

But I shake my head, leaning back against his chest. I move his arms around my body again as he pulls me closer to him, kissing the side of my neck. "Let's just lay for a while, please?" I ask him as I feel his hands protectively wrapping tighter around me.

And we lay for a while longer.


Draco's shirt is way too big on me but it's the most comfortable thing I ever get to wear. It's just a shirt but the fact that it's his shirt makes it so much more exciting to wear.

ONE LAST CHANCE | Draco Malfoy Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin