chapter 43

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"Are you not going to eat up?" James concerned voice hallows in my ears as I drift back from my thoughts. Draco and I haven't been talking for four days now. He never even glanced into my direction. Whenever we would cross paths in the halls, he would simply walk straight past me, not even bothering to switch a look. I went to his room a day ago to talk things through but he wasn't even there. It was almost midnight and Draco wasn't in his room.

Now I understand why he never let me sleep in his room during school days. He would be out somewhere, probably in another girls room. Where else could he possibly be at that time?

"No appetite." I mumble, pushing the plate away from me.

"You haven't been eating properly since this entire week, Roselee," James states, pushing the plate back to me. "Are you feeling okay?"

I feel like crying right here and now. Because I am not. Not at all. There's a tight knot sitting in my throat which I can't get rid of since Draco is completely ignoring me.

Nodding breathily, I glance over to the entrance of the Great Hall as I perceive Draco walk into it to join breakfast as well.

A foul sentiment in my stomach lets me want to vomit every little bit of food I just swallowed. But in the contrast, he himself looks rather normal. Well, what's normal for Draco? His usual dark circles are still living beneath his eyes and his tired eyes tell me, that he didn't get much sleep either.

Draco takes the place right opposite of me, giving me absolutely nothing. Not even a quick glance. He's totally ghosting me as if I don't even exist.

"What's up with her?" James nods over at me, asking Draco who only shoots an eyebrow.

"How should I know?" He answers flatly, giving James a scornful look. How should he know? Oh he surely knows.

"Dude," James pulls a confused face. "Isn't that your girlfriend or did I misunderstood something?" They are having a conversation as if I'm not even sitting right next to them.

Draco drops his cutlery, resting his elbows onto the table to lean forward a little. "Shouldn't be one of your worries, should it?"

"But it will be if she doesn't get any meal into her system to keep her functional." James leans in just as well while Draco's annoyed glance switches to a muddled one.

His eyes meet mine. That's the first time he looked at me since four days. "Why aren't you eating?"

"...I'm not hungry." I bring out raspy, my voice weak. That's the first time he spoke to me since four days. My heart makes a jump as his eyes keep watching me.

Draco's glare contains on me as he points towards my plate with his finger lazily. "Eat."

I look down at my still almost full plate. I don't even remember putting the tiny pie's into it. "As I said—"

"I don't care about what you said," Draco cuts me off, pushing the plate towards me. "You'll eat this up."

I only look at him, not knowing what to say. He doesn't expect me so say anything though, because there is nothing left for me to say. He made his order clear.

Looking over at James who watches me with a small empathising smile I notice a nod from him. "You have to eat something Roselee, that's what keeps your body work properly—"

"Jesus— you don't need to lecture her what the point of food is, Evans." Draco talks into his sentence with a dramatic eye-roll. "Stop making her feel dumb."

James features harden. "Unlike you, I don't try to command her around like some worthless piece of garbage that you are making her feel." His hands find my arm, trying to pull me up to go with him but before I can even think, Draco's hand pushes James one away from me.

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