chapter 38

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June 7th

Dear Draco,

I hope you are enjoying your summer and hope that you are doing well. I'm doing great! My parents decided that we should take a trip to France and that's why I'm going to be in Paris, la ville d'amour ha ha, for a week from now. Are you and your parents going on unexpected vacation, too?

It'll be thrilling hearing from you!



June 14th

Dear Draco,

Wow, the week in France passed by pretty quickly. It was amazing! They really sell the best macarons there out of the entire world. You really have to try them at least once in your lifetime. How are you? Did you get my letter or did it get lost on the way? Ugh, this damn mail. Anyways, I hope you are doing well and got in the sun a lot. It's soooo hot! I'm telling you, I am already tanned as hell and I'm only fourteen days in into summer. That's so awesome!

Hope hearing from you!!



June 20th

Dear Draco,

How are you? Do you enjoy your summer? Because I surely do. I went swimming today! It was awesome, the sun was so calming. There is a lake next to where I live and it's quite the habit to go swimming there each summer actually. The water was warm, pleasant. Oh, I remember how freezing the water of the black lake was the last time we took a bath there. It was May, not quite cold but not warm enough to go swimming either. And yet we did. I am still surprised we didn't catch a cold after that. We really should recreate that scene; when it's warmer though!



June 29th

Dear Draco,

Perhaps you are somewhere in a warm country, enjoying the waves that hit upon the beach you are laying on. I'm pretty sure you are loving the time with your parents. I really can imagine it, you on the beach, with some cocktail in your hand. What was the name of the one you wanted me to try? This pinkish liquid... A COSMO! Right, right. It was really good not gonna lie. The cranberries gave the vodka an extra kick; made the entire cocktail way fancier. Gosh, I really miss school if I'm being honest. Do you? I am in touch with Pansy and Blaise, both of them are fine. James is doing great, too. All of them are on vacation with their families.

I'm counting the days until school starts again! Miss you a lot and I am looking forward to hear from you soon.



July 31st

Dear Draco,

Well, you have to be really busy. But two entire months without writing back? That's a record. Are you feeling okay? Let me know, I'm getting all worried here.

I look forward to finally seeing you again. Only one more month to go.



August 12th

Dear Draco,

Are you alright? Why aren't you answering any of my letters? Are you still not home yet?



August 23th


Only one more week until school starts again. I hope your summer was relaxing. Please write back.



August 24th




ONE LAST CHANCE | Draco Malfoy Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang