chapter eight

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It had been two days since Malfoy brought me back to bed. Since two days I haven't talked to him.

But me coming late to class, results in me noticing the only free seat was right next to Malfoy himself, so I had to take it.

I try to sneak beside him but just at the moment I scoot closer to him, Flitwick spots me at my doing.

"Ah, Miss Lavelle," he exhales, positioning his hands on his hips. "What a pleasure you decided to join the class after all."

"I am sorry, professor, I overslept." I stumble.

"Detention, today, at six o'clock in the evening. You may be on time to classes the next time." The teacher smiles at me before turning back to class.


"So, so, dears," professor Flitwick announces, climbing on a high chair with some books on it too to face everyone in class. "Today we're trying to make objects fly right into our hands. Accio is the name of the spell, alright? It only works on inanimate objects but people or creatures may be indirectly moved by casting that spell, holding or wearing the object we are trying to reach out for." The professor says eagerly, looking all around the room before lifting up his index finger a sign for us to pay attention. "This carries all kinds of risks because of the likelihood of injury to the person or beast attached to an object travelling at close to the speed of light. But we won't think that negative and try it out!" clapping into his tiny hands he points around the room. "In front of you are feathers on which you and your desk partner are going to practice the Accio spell. You may leave the classroom for this but be back before the class dismisses."

I look over at my desk partner but he has already gotten up with the feathers in his hands. "Come on, Lavelle, move your ass or are you still half asleep?" Malfoy scoffs while snapping his fingers in front of my face, making me flinch at the closeness of his fingers at my eyes.

Rolling my eyes I get up and we walk out of the classroom and to the corridor left of it. I start to look for the spell in my book, turning and flipping around several pages.

"Page 69." He mumbles under his breath, entertainment in his voice.

"I know myself." I return, lifting my gaze to give him a dead stare and then go to the correct page.

I get out my wand to understand the motion of the spell. Half circle. Fast and firm motion.

I can do this.

I look back up at Malfoy, who is already peering through me with his eyes, on is face a devilish smirk. "Alright, Lavelle, try it." He dares, wiggling the feathers in the air, near by his body.

Pointing my wand at him I pronounce the spell Accio but nothing happens.

I try again. Nothing happens, again.

The boy in front of me lets out a chuckle, shaking his head as he does so. "Oh, concentrate, will you? Or is my presence disturbing you?" He mocks.

"I will fire a different spell at you if you don't shut up."

"Someone wants a second detention, I see? Bet." Malfoy teases, continuing to shake the two white feathers in front of him.

God, he's provoking me so on purpose.

"Dick." I mumble under my breath, positioning my wand back at him.

"What was that?"

"Accio." I swing my wand, leading all my focus into that feather in his hand. Feeling a swift vibration shooting through my hand I start smiling. It's working. But the feather doesn't move a single inch.

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