chapter 48

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Death Eater attacks on Muggles in busy London!

"Several Death Eaters were spotted in London last weekend. The questioned magicians and witches claim that it is the beginning of war and an extermination strategy of the one whose name should not be named. Numerous, non-magical inhabitants of London, were attacked in dark alleys and on top cruelly murdered with the unforgivable Death Curse. Streets were looted and several houses were set on fire.

The victims are well-known Muggle parents, who integrate themselves into the lifes of young wizards and witches from Hogwarts, the school of witchcraft and wizardry.
Many victims were able to escape the terrible attacks of the unknown followers of the Dark Magician, but do the unmagicians manage to withstand despite the madness? And how long will it take for the attacks of the one who's name should not be named to reach the Wizarding World and turn it into total chaos?

Harry Potter, the young wizard who is spoken responsible for the upcoming war by the Ministry, disappears. He and his two hearted foot steppers, Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger, were last seen in the Ministry of Magic as they send it on fire, trying to escape the chases after them.
Nobody knows what the three of them tried to find or where they made their way to right after. The only call the Ministry managed to pick up was that the one whose name should not be named requested the two, on the run, wizards and the witch to be brought alive."

My heart is all the way down my stomach as I close the Prophet and try to process the situation.

Several Muggles were killed in London? Many of them are parents from students from Hogwarts? The colour drains from my face as I look over at Draco.

His brows are drown together, his eyes are firm. I perceive him swallowing as his eyes scan my face for some sort of note. I notice that he is just as pale as I am. Then it hits me that Draco wasn't in school this past weekend just as well.

Breathe, breathe, breathe.

Could he be responsible for the deaths of innocent people? No, he couldn't. Draco wouldn't kill, would he?

Draco wouldn't.

Would he?

"Harry is gone?" I manage to break out as I look around the table of our little group. Shocked faces stare back at me. Shocked, pale faces. Filled with horror of their own.

"You didn't know?" Pansy questions as I shake my head. "Weasleys elder brother got married a few days ago. Death Eaters broke into the wedding, apparently searching for something. After that, Potter and the other two disappeared."

Harry and I haven't talked in so long that it feels almost illegal to me to ask about him. I remember our friendship and how it went downhill. But I can't other than feel worried for him, Ron and Hermione nevertheless. After all, they were my friends for years and we were quite close. Regardless to our differences in our Houses. What seemed to be their problem only.

"What were the Death Eaters looking for?" I ask, turning my voice to Draco ever so slightly so nobody else would notice about him and his secret. Because I'm sure Draco knows the answer to my question. So sure.

Clueless shrugs surround me but before I can drop my question I sense Draco's shoulders risen up and his posture stiffens.

"Horcruxes." He breaths out quietly, lowering his voice as he speaks.

"Who is that?" The question mark is stomped onto my face as my body turns to Draco. His eyes remain on mine. As if he was trying to prevent me from asking further. As if he doesn't want to talk.

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