chapter 24

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Mature content ahead...


"Merry Christmas, Rose."

I turn around, letting go of the glass juice I was just sipping on. Draco stands behind me, holding a small box in his hands. A warm smile is playing on his face before he takes the seat next to me at breakfast. He eventually decided to stay with me here in school for the entire Christmas holidays. I tried to talk him out of this, because I just didn't understand why he would rather stay here with me, than spend the time with his family but he just insisted and I dropped that topic after all.

He actually got me a gift.

I turn towards him, giving him a slight smile. I can feel my cheeks hotten up from the blushing on my face. "Aw, no way. Thank you, Draco." I burst out as I take the little package from him and start to open it.

My heart skips a beat when I finally see what's inside. Necklace. The necklace. The one from the jewellery store, at which Draco caught me staring at. I can't believe he got me something this expensive. I can't take my eyes off the necklace as I remain silent.

Draco tries to find my eyes when he scoots closer to me. "Well, do you like it?" He asks as my gaze slowly falls onto him.

"Draco, I can't accept that." I tell him and without even taking the necklace out, I hold the box towards him.

"What?" He makes a confused face, pushing the box back to me again, resting his hands on mine. "No, take it. It's all yours."

I start to shake my head. "But Draco it's way too—"

"Rose," Draco cuts me off, looking me deeply into my eyes to assure me of his actions. "It's a gift. From me, for you." We stay silent for a moment when Draco decides to take the box out of my hands and takes out the necklace, before looking back at me. "Turn around, hair up."

After a quick thought, I obey him and turn my back to him, lifting my hair up and exposing my neck. Suddenly, I feel Draco's cold fingers brush against my skin as he puts the minimal jewellery piece around my neck. A shiver forms all over my spine as his lips press onto the back of my neck afterwards.

"Good, you're all done." He tells me as I turn back around to him, smiling from one ear to the other. "Looks very beautiful on you." He notices, a casual grin starts to play on his face.

I don't think I can control myself. I can't prevent myself from blushing at his words so I bite my lower lip, chuckling. "Thank you, I like it a lot." I tell him, sincerity bouncing in my voice. I really did like this necklace. And before I can think it out, I lean in closer to the boy, sitting next to me, and kiss his lips. My hand finds his shoulder to steady myself. Draco doesn't get moved back from my, probably, unexpected action. Instead he kisses me back. Right in the great hall. Where everyone in here could see this kiss.

Draco's arm wraps around my throat to slightly pull me closer to him, what makes a silent moan escape my lips. Draco's lips form into a smirk against my lips before he pulls away and buries his hand into my hair, still holding me close. "Well, I'm glad you like it that much."

"I actually got something for you, too. It's in my room, though." I remember, giving him an eager smile.

"Really?" Draco re-asks as I get up and pull on his hand, smoothly colliding my fingers with his own.

"Mhm, wanna go get it?"

He gets up and looks down at me, full of excitement that he is trying to cover so well. "Alright."


I push two shiny silver tickets into his hands as we arrive in my room, which is empty because Pansy drove home for the holidays a few days ago. "I know it's not that much—"

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