chapter two

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I turn around and notice how I almost passed Pansy's and Blaise' seats. I must've been in thoughts, I didn't even look where I was going.

I reach their seats and give them both a big smile.

"Hello sweetheart, how have you been? I missed you so much." Pansy says while pulling me into a tight hug. It feels so good. It feels genuine.

"Pans, I've missed you more! You look so great. Oh, and Blaise, handsome as ever." I tell them while sliding into one of the free seats next to them.

"Thank you Roselee," Blaise blushes. "How did summer went? Any news?"

"Oh, not really. You know, it's going as it is." I answer and look over at Pansy. "What about you," I grin. "Any updates on that boy from last year? What was his name again? Louis Roberts, no?"

Pansy tries to prevent herself from laughing. "Oh, shut it Lee. That was an one time thing. Gosh, why did you remind me of it," she rolls her eyes, shaking her head. "I feel like throwing up any moment."

"Yeah? Didn't look like you were about to throw up any moment when you were letting him plug his tongue down your throat before summer break."

I look to my left and see Draco approaching us. He doesn't even look at me when he sits down right at the opposite seat of mine.

Pansy covers her smirk. "Didn't know you were watching," she says, raising her eyebrows in amusement. "Otherwise I would've told you where else he plugged his tongue in."

Draco clicks his tongue and looks away from her at that Comeback. "Disgusting." He hisses out.

His eyes unexpectedly land on mine and I quickly look away to not give him an opportunity to mock on me. But that doesn't seem to bother him any bit because I see him pulling a grin on his face.

"What about you, Lavelle," he asks, looking straight at me. "Planning on having any good sex this year or continuing on being a virgin until the end of it?"

I turn my attention to him and give him the stare.

"Unlike you, Malfoy, I am not the type to stick my tongue in two different peoples mouth a day and stick my ass into other people businesses." I fire back and keep my eyes locked with his.

He stays silent for a moment before he leans his elbows on the little table in front of us, looking me dead in the eyes. Where right a moment ago was a separation between us, there now is none.

"This," he starts, giving me absolutely no sight at what kind of emotion he's on right now. His eyes look like two brick walls into that I can't see through. "is called having game, Lavelle. And as it seems, you don't have any idea of what having game actually is like."  He flashes his eyebrows, leaning back. "Poor girl, nobody wants." he finishes, his eyes still burning right through me.

I keep looking at him. But not because I want to but because my sight is like glued to him. I don't know what to say to him. I don't even know if I want to say anything to him at all.

I guess I just kind off grew tired of hearing him saying those nasty things to me. It just doesn't have any impact on me anymore and I don't have the urge to prove him that either.

I just roll my eyes at him and look out of the window. I wonder how long until we finally arrive.

"Don't listen to him Lee, Malfoy can be a dick sometimes," Pansy catches my sight before looking him right in the eyes. "But we all know that somewhere deep inside him, he has a heart full of blooming roses." She teases him on what he just rolls his eyes.

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