chapter seven

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The day passed quickly and the night of the Slytherin party was getting closer, hour after hour.

I didn't know why I felt that kind of excitement I did. I attended a lot of Slytherin parties in the past years and I can assure you that those are the best. No one ever wanted to miss a party that was thrown by Slytherins.

Harry and I haven't been talking these past weeks and I'm not going to lie, I didn't miss it at all. As if he was never there. But my peace had to be interrupted by Harry himself right after dinner. He came up to me and tried to start some smalltalk before he spit out the actual issue.

"I think you're spending way to much time with your Slytherin guys. Parkinson and all." Harry confronts me.

"Is that a problem for you? Do we somehow hurt your life in any way?" I ask calmly. I don't want another fight.

He hums. "No, but I would like you to spend time with us sometime. I mean, when was the last time you at least ate with us?"

"Harry," I wanted to get over it. "I know that we haven't been talking in a while but if you guys would actually want me with you lot, you would have told me sooner. I really don't want to start a fight right now but I feel as if you three don't even want me in your presence anyways."

Harry doesn't answer right away. Nor he declines what I just said.

"I know, we've known each other since like forever but I feel like this friendship just breaks down day by day. And don't get me wrong, I really love all three of you and I know you'd always help me if I was in need, but I feel like we just aren't on the same wave of communication anymore. Much more I hate the way you can't stand the fact that I have other friends than Hermione, Ron and you. Only because I get along with others doesn't mean that I'm dropping the three of you, you know. It's just, I feel like you don't really want me in your presence because I'm friends with Parkinson, Zabini or Malfoy." I say everything that I wanted to say to him and it feels freeing.

When I mentioned Malfoy Harry cringed. He literally cringed at his name.

"Since when are you friends with Malfoy?" He asks as if everything I just said to him didn't even matter.

Proves my point.

"Don't know.. we just kind of get along since a while," I mark and clear my throat. "Sorry Harry, I gotta go now." I tell him and without waiting for his response I turn my heels and leave around the corner.

Not a second passes as I speed walk along the corridor as I feel someone approach me by my side and swing their strong arm around my shoulder for a second.

"So, we're officially considered friends now, aren't we Lavelle?"

I turn to my left and Draco is walking right next to me, holding this smirk of his.

Hearing him say that makes me chuckle. "Eavesdropping now, aren't we Malfoy?" I return with a slight roll of my eyes.

"I wouldn't call it particularly eavesdropping," he defends himself. "I was just walking by and hearing you take my name into that little pretty mouth of yours, you know?"

What did he just say?

I turn my head to look at him again but before I can even realise it, he has moved me against a wall, pressing his weight against me to hold me there.

"Malfoy what are you—" I burst out but he covers my mouth with his hand before I can even finish that sentence.

"No talking," he says in a low and calm voice, holding intense eye contact with me. "Just listening, m-kay?"

ONE LAST CHANCE | Draco Malfoy Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum