chapter fifteen

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Friday afternoon. The week went as basic as ever and I still don't have any plans for the weekend. Maybe I will just lay in bed for two days straight and do nothing.

"So," Pansy's voice sounds full of excitement as she sits up on her bed, crossing her legs as she does so. "Tell me everything."

"Hm? What?" My brows move together, creating a questioning look on my face.

"Oh drop the act, Roselee! Tell me about Malfoy." Pansy complains, grabbing a pillow from her own bed and throwing it on me.

Catching it and throwing it right back at her, I sigh out in frustration. "What is there you crave to know? There's nothing to tell, really." I tell her, but she only stares at me, waiting for me to finally open up about something that I don't know about myself. What was she waiting for me to say?

"I don't know what you want to know, Pans."

She almost freaks out as she gets up from her bed, making her way over to me and sitting back down on my bed now. "Roselee. How, the fuck, did that even happen? Like— I really doubt you two just bumped into each other and he just randomly asked you something like 'oh hey, Lavelle, wanna have sex with me?'"

I fall silent. That's exactly how it went actually.

She gasps because she understood my silence. "No way."


"Such a prick," she chokes out, shaking her head. "No freaking way, it actually happened like that?!"

"Mhm," I shrug it off slightly. "Somewhat like that, yeah."

Draco and I haven't had any intimate interactions since the last time he left me there in the library. Since then we haven't gotten in any kind of sexual contact nor anything else that we already had. I wouldn't say we were reasonably avoiding each other, though. I think we just didn't have the right time to come across each other, with one another again.

"Ugh," Pansy makes a weird noise out of her throat. "Such a dick he is."

"Yeah." I nod my head, kind of agreeing. But I pretty much think that he is a dick. But like— an irresistible one.

"So what. You two are what? One-time-thing or— friends with benefits? Can you two even be considered as friends?" Question after question flow out of Pansy's curios mouth, but little does she understand that I can't answer any of these questions.

"Pansy," I sigh. "I don't know. Perhaps we're friends, perhaps we aren't. Maybe it was a one-time-thing, maybe it wasn't."

She peers at me, the corners of her lips shoot up. "Fuckmates," she grins. "You're his blowbuddy and he is your—"

"Alright!" I interrupt her, getting up from the bed and making my way to grab my jacket. "I'm gonna go for a walk. It's snowing."

"Since when do you like that kind of weather anyways?" She changes the subject.

I look at her out from the mirror. "Since... this winter I guess." I can't tell her it's because of the boy that made me realise winter is just as beautiful as he is.

"Roselee?" Pansy's voice is concerned.

"Yeah?" I turn back to her, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

"Don't tell me it's more than just sex? You are not actually developing feelings for him, are you?"

I take a moment to sort through what she just said. My eyes unintentionally slender to the big window in our room, landing on the big snowflakes that are falling from the sky once again, covering every quarter of land in its beauty. I know I like Draco. I don't know if he likes me. But I guess he does? Not in that way of course. But he definitely likes my presence enough for me to lay in his bed with him on top of me. He also enjoys kissing me; me too. But I don't think we know each other long enough for me to 'develop feelings' for him. Besides all that, our agreement was on just sex and no emotions.

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