chapter eighteen

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The next day, the day of the very first quidditch match, I put on some warm socks and an oversized jumper to keep me warm. A scarf around my neck and some gloves so my hands won't freeze off. It has been snowing the whole night and the air is all cold from the north wind. The white jumper and the black pants I'm wearing match great with my dark green scarf just as well with my gloves that are the same colour.

We are all sitting at breakfast, when Draco walks in to join the Sunday breakfast just as well. He doesn't look nervous; why would he even, he has played for the team since second year.

Walking over to the table Pansy, Blaise, James and I are seated on, Draco scoots in opposite of me and gives me a greeting nod, before starting to eat.

"Excited, man?" James asks, giving Draco a welcoming smile. Just as Draco, James is also already wearing his quidditch uniform. He still got into the team, even though he didn't make it into being captain. And I feel like he is still proud and thankful for that.

Draco's brows bury together while he takes some sips of his juice. "No." He dryly responses, turning his sight away from the boy, sitting next to me.

James doesn't let Draco intimidate him and turns his head to us, keeping smiling in the process. "I am, actually. I mean.. I've never played here and the team is really good."

"Oh, that's normal. Everyone's a little nervous. Even Malfoy; he just won't admit it." Blaise shakes his hand at Draco, who is now looking back up into James eyes again, before leaning his hand onto the table.

"How did you even get into the team if I may ask? The last time I saw you fly on your, if I can even call it like that, broom I had the feeling it would smash you to the ground any second." Draco peers at James, not giving him any opportunity to say anything when he starts talking again. "Don't think that just because you got into the team, you'll stay there for long because I'm sure you—"

"Stop that Draco! Jesus, leave the poor dude alone." A voice from across the table interrupts. I turn to the direction and it's some boy, wearing the same uniforms as James and Draco do. Probably someone from their team. "We don't need irritation between team players just before the game. Come on, dude." The boy scoffs, shaking his head at Draco.

"Shut it, McNelly," Draco groans in annoyance. "You better watch yourself before interfering into other people conversations. It's a wonder you don't interfere yourself into the game as good as you do into none of your businesses."

I watch the boy turn his back to Draco again, not saying anything further. "Is your whole team like this? You can't even get along?" I ask, my voice slow and careful to not trigger Draco's anger even more.

"No," his voice is calmer now. He turns his attention to me and I could swear his voice sounds so much softer when he talks to me, than when he talked to this boy just a second ago. "It's usual for my team to get a bit biting right before the game. I mean, it's understandable, everyone is on high nerves."

"Ah." I nod, still feeling a little concerned about James. I mean, even if they all are on those high nerves, there is no need for Draco to be that rude to James anyways. I start sipping on my juice again, looking away from Draco who is still eyeing me.

"I was thinking," Pansy starts, her lips suddenly turn into a smirk. "What about we all go swimming today, after the game? No matter how it will turn out."

Blaise shakes his head with a scoff. "Swimming? It's freezing outside. I highly doubt it will be a good idea to freeze our asses off in the water."

"No—," Pansy arguments, lowering her voice. "There are things like indoor jacuzzis." She looks at me, smiling even wider now. "Later when it gets dark. It will be fun."

ONE LAST CHANCE | Draco Malfoy Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora