chapter 37

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I wake up with a terrible headache and the feeling of vomiting any second. I sit up on the bed and realise that I'm in Draco's room. But Draco isn't anywhere close.

I notice a pill and a glass of water standing on his nightstand so I down the pill quickly. Just before I swallow the last bit of the water Draco walks in with an uneasy look on him.

I watch him, not saying anything and put the glass away.

He watches me, not saying anything either. His brows are pulled together and he looks mad.

Is he mad at me because of what happened yesterday? Surprisingly I can remember everything.

"What was that yesterday?" Draco finally asks, sitting down next to me. His voice is calm.


"The drugs," he says sharply.

I shrug innocently, not really understanding what he is trying to tell me. "What's with the drugs?"

"You took them."

"Well, I smoked some weed yeah—"

"Stop fucking playing the clueless," Draco suddenly bursts out, hitting his fist onto the mattress while I twitch at his sudden reaction. "I'm being serious right now."

I blink. "What's up with you? I had some weed, big deal?"

"I don't want you to take drugs."

I chuckle out slightly. "What?" Was he really trying to forbid me something?

"No drugs." Draco keeps on. His voice sounds very serious. He truly isn't playing around.

Another laugh escapes me. "Technically, alcohol is a drug too—"

"Roselee," he shakes his head yet again. "No drugs."

I remain silent after that, looking at the bedsheets rather than him. Maybe he was right.

"You kissed Evans." He changes the subject abruptly, leaving me speechless yet again.

I stay quiet before sitting further up on the bed. This completely slid off my mind. "He kissed me actually."

"You kissed back." Draco whispers, avoiding my eyes.

Mumbling, I push off the bedsheets, standing up. "I was out of mind, Draco."

"He wanted to get you into bed, Rose. While you were in a state where you didn't even know what was going on." He looks at me now, his face is full of worry. "You were literally out of your damn mind, yes. You can't drink that much and smoke yourself to fucking—"

"Nothing was going to happen— everyone was there.."

"Yeah," he says flatly, not even trying to argue with me anymore. "Everyone was high as fuck there."

I stand in front of him, playing with his shirt that he changed me into yesterday night. It only covers right above my ass so the hem of my underwear is still exposed and right in his sight. "You weren't."

"You put yourself at risk, can't you understand that? Only because I was quite sober it doesn't mean that nothing could've happened to you. Literally every guy was putting their hands on you." Draco watches me, trying to push me into elaborating my so bad behaviour from yesterday.

"You don't need to educate me, Draco. Nothing happened, did it?" I mumble, pushing my hair out of the way to look for my bra which Draco slid off me yesterday night just as well. "Where is my bra?"

Draco looks at me, totally speechless at my sudden need to find my things before he nods over to the end of the bed where the rest of my stuff is folded on carefully.

ONE LAST CHANCE | Draco Malfoy Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt