chapter 35

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Mature content ahead...

It was one of those May days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold, when it is summer in the light and winter in the shade.

Spring always has represented the era of blooming flowers and with that the new beginnings. Unfortunately, Draco and I didn't have those new beginnings for over five months now. Everything was exactly the same as it has been before.

Since the last time I blocked him off me, he eventually made it back up to me and everything had begun to roll its usual way again. We had sex, a lot of sex. But I've never slept in his room again. We didn't talk about anything that happened, we simply started getting intimate and that was it. Somehow, those five months were pretty normal to me. I didn't witness Draco feel down because of Astoria, I didn't witness him talk about her or mention anything about his past in any way. He was simply treating me like the good old fuck that is around when he needs it.

He wasn't mean to me or disrespectful, completely the opposite actually. But nothing too special either. He was just normal. He didn't treat me any special, nor did he take me out on dates after the last time we went to that extra fancy restaurant. We didn't talk about him nor me nor anything that did not include our sex life. So theoretically, in those five months we didn't come any closer as I hoped for us to come. But, somehow I have the feeling that Draco got more careful with me. More gentle if I can put it this way. He was actually trying to make me feel comfortable around him and was also treating me with so much lightness and care.

And I think Draco didn't actually mind us being around each other a lot. He benefited from it I guess, and I did too in my own way. If I think of it, I liked the fact that Draco and I were quite close and yet so far apart. We were that close that perhaps we could talk about anything if we just let ourselves to do so, and yet we were so far apart that no one of us ever did talk.

I think Draco just needs a little time to trust someone. I think he needs some time to bloom like the first flowers in spring season do. Maybe this time of the year would be the part where Draco's heart finally melts down all the ice it carries around itself and finally lets some warm sunshine shine through it. Maybe he just needs a little bit more time, and I just got to wait a little longer. Because the hope I have, I believe, will wither lastly.

"Wanna go for a swim?"

A tender smile appears on my lips while I scan Draco's joyful face as we sit outside, listening to the quiet sounds of nature. The songs of tiny birds and the rustle of green leaves sound through my ears. A warm wind is blowing through my hair as I put it behind my ears. "Right now?"

"Mhm," he hums, slowly taking my hand into his and leading me towards the black lake which is reflecting the setting sunlight in this early evening. The sun is almost behind the hills, showing off its last sunbeams for this day.

"Isn't it still too cold for swimming?" I mark when we arrive at the shore. The wind down here is still quite fresh.

"It probably is." Draco says, kicking off his shoes and pants, so I do the same.

"We going in naked?" I chuckle out when Draco pulls down his boxers, starting to walk towards the water completely nude.

"We have to have dry and warm clothes for afterwards, right?" He shouts out before diving into the water so that he's totally gone.

I quickly look around for people to see us but there is no one but us out here, so I slide off my panties and bra, leaving it next to Draco's pile of clothing and step to the water.

Immediately, intense goosebumps shoot up my entire body when my feet feel the icy water around them. I hear Draco come back up to the water surface, so I look at him, catching him already staring at me with a grin. He's truly watching me, seeing me completely.

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