chapter four

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"Pans.. I don't think I feel good about this dress," I mumble while looking at me in the mirror. "It's really short and.. is showing off a bit too much."

Pansy turns to me and watches me from out every perspective as I make a slow spin for her.

She hums once and shakes hear head abruptly. "I think you look hot."

I turn back to the mirror and stare at the reflection of myself. Not going to lie, I think this dress is amazing. The navy colour makes my brown hair look royal, just as my green eyes as well. The satin fabric on my skin feels as if I'm not wearing anything at all. The dress is heavenly gorgeous.

I watch Pansy walking towards me in the reflection, starting to take my hair down from the bun it was in. She combs through it carefully and smiles up at me.

"Gosh, I love your hair Roselee. I wish my hair was that soft and shimmery as yours is." She says, giving me a warm smile and pulling a grimace at her own hair in the reflection of the mirror.

She puts my shoulder long hair up in a ponytail and lets it fall back on my shoulders after giving it a quick look of comparison. "Leave it like this. Don't tie your hair. You always wear it up. Why don't you wear it down more often? Suits you well."

I watch my wavy hair bounce over my shoulders and shrug.

Pansy sighs and stands in front of me with her hands on my shoulders, looking me seriously in the eyes. "Roselee, you look beautiful. You think I would let you wear something that looks horrible on you? Not that there is anything that would actually look horrible on you. Murder me for this if I did."

I let out a small chuckle and bite my lip. "Thank you, Pans."

She nods with a smile and walks over to her bed to sit down. I watch her sage green dress, just as short as mine, land perfectly on her curves and hug her just at the right places. She truly knows what suits her well.

"You look amazing, Pansy." I tell her as I make my way to grab my make up and sit down in front of the mirror.

She looks at me through my reflection, seeing the genuine grin I hold on my face. "Aww, thanks lovely. But now hurry up or we gonna miss the nice made cocktails that are waiting for us." She says, getting up and looking through her purse to make sure she has got everything.

I watch her for a moment, admiring the confidence that is literally spreading off her at every step she takes. I feel comfortable around her. I really do.

I watch myself in the mirror again. I know I don't look bad but I wish I had the confidence to see it all the time too.

We walk into the Ravenclaw Commonroom and I smell the alcohol right away. Students are already dancing all over the room and vibing to the disco lights which were cast onto the ceiling. I walk towards the bar and Pansy follows close behind me, but before we even arrive at our seats she gets pulled away from me by a group of Slytherin girls that start a small conversation with her as she laughs and hugs them all. I don't know any of them close enough, though.

She gestures she'll catch up with me in a second so I continue to walk and slide into one of the high chairs that are placed next to the bar. A boy leans over to me to get my order and gives me two thumbs up when I tell him to get me two Martinis.

I look around a little before I turn to my left and notice Malfoy seating right next to me. Grinning.

"Don't scare me like that!" I say loudly, as for him to understand me because the music is way louder than I thought it would be.

He smirks me up and down and sips some of his drink. A Mojito I think. "A little short, don't you think?" He gestures towards my dress, that has slipped up my thighs when I sat down.

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